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MOT pass!! Just S.V.A to go
donut - 17/1/04 at 11:28 AM

Just wanted to post that my car has now been set-up proper like and has passed it's M.O.T which means alot to me. The car feels like it came out a factory rather than a self build by a complete donut!!!!

Had a superb drive back from the garage in blazing sunshine but it was a little cold.

The guy who set-up my car now want's to build an Indy and so does one of his staff!! Also my car had loads of good comments which was nice not to mention all the onlookers on the way home.......WONDERFUL!!!!

All that's left is S.V.A which has been applied for. Fingers crossed!!


James - 17/1/04 at 12:20 PM

Well done mate!

We gonna see it at Newlands?


macspeedy - 17/1/04 at 12:25 PM

well done, good luck with the sva

alister667 - 17/1/04 at 12:50 PM

Well done. All the best for the SVA.

santcliff - 17/1/04 at 01:05 PM

Nice one!

Hey we are so in sync (if slow). Ran mine out for a pre-mot inspection today. Couple of little niggles but the important bits got the thumbs up.

And the best thing? The hats turned up in time, thanks!

biggest grin still on my face


greggors84 - 17/1/04 at 01:25 PM

Where did u get it set up donut?

donut - 17/1/04 at 01:41 PM


I got the car set-up by a friend of a friend who used to build F3 cars amongst other stuff. He has a garage in Croydon and he's very good!

I have put up a few photo's in my archive taken today when i got back....

They are called 'Pre SVA' and there are 3 pics in all.

Sandcliff: You must bring your car up to Newlands Corner (or wherever we are meeting) when your car is on the road.... That's an order soldier!!!!

James: I have applied for SVA and i'm keeping my fingers VERY crossed, but i doubt it, March for sure!!!!!!!!


P.S. Thanks guy's

[Edited on 17/1/04 by donut]

mangogrooveworkshop - 17/1/04 at 02:05 PM

Another Indy in the fold. Always good to hear about a builder completing.........drives us starters on even completion
Good luck with the SVA

CairB - 17/1/04 at 03:45 PM

Good on you Andy.

Hope all goes well for SVA but remember that no matter what happens at the first SVA, you getting on the road soon is inevitable

It's interesting regarding the MOT. I was told that I didn't need one by local office and when my first tax renewal came on the day that I got my Indy motted it didn't say it needed one.

Bob not far behind?



donut - 17/1/04 at 04:43 PM

As far as i know you don't need an MOT but i have heard some SVA stations insisting on it. I got mine done to make sure the car was roadworthy and to set-up imissions and headlights etc. This way i know that all that stuff will (should) pass SVA. At least i know it's roadworthy which makes me feel great and that i don't need another MOT for 3 years!

Bob is very close behing and we should both be on the road in Feb with any luck.


Ben_Copeland - 17/1/04 at 06:55 PM

Well done Andy, good luck for the SVA

Deckman001 - 17/1/04 at 09:10 PM

Well done matey, Do you mind in future tho, not trying (ha ha)to exceded the speed limit when my daughter is in the passenger seat !! she doesn't keep a secret very well !!!!


donut - 17/1/04 at 11:08 PM

My car can't do over 40mph so your speedo MUST be wrong!!!! LOL


bob - 18/1/04 at 12:29 AM

Yep i'm right behind you andy(if you know what i mean)

I'll be posting off my SVA forms next week,dont seem to have many reciepts though.

[Edited on 18/1/04 by bob]

donut - 18/1/04 at 10:45 AM

Don't worry about receipts Bob, i don't think they care much to be honest and there are 101 reasons not to have a receipt for everything. It only really matters if you're going for an new reg plate. Anyhoo if i pass before you you can borrow my receipts!!


bob - 18/1/04 at 01:56 PM

If you pass before me i'll borrow your car

donut - 18/1/04 at 02:17 PM

If i pass before you i'll eat my hat!!!!!


Avoneer - 23/1/04 at 09:19 PM

Congrats Donut - motivation booster or what!
Did you drive there? And if you did, what was the insurance like?
Forgive me for building an Avon though, I just wish it was an MK after visiting Martin 2 weeks ago and seeing the quality compared to Tiger.
Nearly ready for MOT myself.

donut - 23/1/04 at 10:41 PM

Hi Pat

Yes i did drive there and i will be driving to the SVA station on Monday too which you are allowed to do. My insurence (sureterm direct) charged me £150 fully comp, 5,000miles for a 2 litre Indy. Not bad at all if you ask me!!


Avoneer - 23/1/04 at 11:10 PM

Cheers mate.
Watch out for flying rocks and when you go through Gatso's dead fast, don't forget to give them the two finger salute!