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R1 started at last!!!!!!
kurt - 4/12/05 at 04:43 PM

There is nothing that can beat the sound of your car finally starting, especially after 6 months of trying!

Yes at last my engine has fired up. Fresh fuel and having the coils connected the right way has made all the difference. Pop, bang and flames out of the exhaust this morning, then Geoff came over, said it was backfiring so we swapped over the coil wires and hey presto a running engine, and it sounds wicked.

So the saga has ended. Thanks to all of you who have spent time suggesting possible causes and not given up on me, I owe you all a pint. It's full steam ahead for a finished build by Easter next year.

All the best, Kurt (a very happy man)

Hellfire - 4/12/05 at 04:44 PM

Congratulations. Great feeling isn't it?

One of, if not the best milestone of any build. Have you stopped grinning yet?

[Edited on 4-12-05 by Hellfire]

kurt - 4/12/05 at 04:53 PM

Absolutely the best feeling. No I haven't stopped smiling, and I've actually got a bottle of bubbly chilling in the fridge to celebrate. Cheers, Kurt

Winston Todge - 4/12/05 at 04:55 PM

Have been following your other threads! Well done! 8D

So was it stale fuel then?


Peteff - 4/12/05 at 05:03 PM

never mind the inquest, get the beer out .

kurt - 4/12/05 at 05:04 PM

I think so. The fresh fuel got it popping and banging, then once the coils were connected the right way around, away it went.

jambojeef - 4/12/05 at 05:06 PM

I see, the bubbly goes in the fridge after I've gone does it? I'll remember that!

On the road for Easter with no worries now surely!


OX - 4/12/05 at 05:13 PM

nice one.i can see the grin from here
i know its gonna be hard but try not to strike the engine up to often or you'll soon soot up the plugs (unless you get it nice and hot every time )

kurt - 4/12/05 at 06:35 PM

Sorry Geoff, Joolz bought the bubbly after I'd phoned her when you'd left. Suffice to say it's going down a treat. Thanks again, as they say two heads are better than one. Cheers Kurt.

jambojeef - 4/12/05 at 06:54 PM

Thats ok mate - enjoy it! As Hellfire says - probably the biggest moment in any build.

Nice one!


zxrlocost - 4/12/05 at 07:22 PM

well done mate

get back out in the garage because ill catch you up otherwise


speed8 - 4/12/05 at 09:47 PM

Good to hear it's going. I've been following this and all the suggestions in case I have any problems.

bigrich - 4/12/05 at 10:09 PM

well done that man a little perseverence and useful advise goes along way hope your really pleased with your efforts i still remember the feeling' awesome'

Bob C - 6/12/05 at 12:48 AM

Thank God for that!!!! I've got an R1 engine in a cupboard (not run for 2 years....) & was starting to get really worried! ! ! !
Can't wait to be in your shoes - cheers

greggors84 - 6/12/05 at 01:35 AM

Well done, I remember when I finally got mine running, probably made it all the sweeter as it didnt fire straight away and had to mess about with it a bit to get it going.

The next major milestone is when you finally get it moving under its own power. Its great as you never know if it will (although there is no reason why it shouldnt)

Then there is the first time you take it on a decent drive, say to the MOT and nothing falls off it! That was when it actually dawned on my I had built a car and it worked!

After that its obivously sticking the plates on it and having it fully legal and registered. (Havent got there yet)

They were my big milestones anyway.

[Edited on 6/12/05 by greggors84]