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Post Your Spring Rates !
Ben_Copeland - 20/1/11 at 06:11 AM

Following on from my Bulk Buy on Protechs (still on by the way )

I was just wondering what everyone had in terms of Spring Rates on their cars. Their seems to be differing views (as always) but dont turn this into an arguement about them tho

Please post saying:

1. Spring Rate
2. Damper Make
3. Car Model/Make etc

Thank You :

1. 275 / 175 (not ordered yet tho)
2. Protech Single Adjust
3. Haynes Roadster / 2.0 Vx XE

phelpsa - 20/1/11 at 11:06 AM

200/200 With front ARB
Gaz single adjust (steel)
Aries Locost GSXR 1100

450kgs, 40f 60r weight split.

[Edited on 20-1-11 by phelpsa]

SeaBass - 20/1/11 at 11:16 AM

1. 310 / 175
2. Gaz Single Adjust (Steel).
3. Book Chassis Locost Live Axle / Zetec (~570kgs)

JAG - 20/1/11 at 12:04 PM

1) 275/150

2) AVO steel body 2.25" single adjustable

3) Stuart Taylor Motorsport Locost (now Aires Motorsport)

[Edited on 20/1/11 by JAG]

Madinventions - 20/1/11 at 12:19 PM

1. 300F/300R no ARBs
2. Protech single adjust. 1 click down from full hard on front, 2 clicks down on rear (may go back to 1 click...)
3. Sylva Mojo. Mid engined with 1.7VCT Puma lump, 523Kgs overall.

StuartBJ - 20/1/11 at 12:23 PM

450lbs all round
GAZ Shock absorbers(2.25"

[Edited on 20/1/11 by StuartBJ]

omega 24 v6 - 20/1/11 at 12:54 PM

350/150 1.9 dia springs
protech singles
live axle locost +442

Ken-J - 20/1/11 at 02:29 PM

AVO double adjust DAAWD130/090 for front、DAAWD160/105 for rear.
Birkin SC

[Edited on 20/1/11 by Ken-J]

[Edited on 20/1/11 by Ken-J]

[Edited on 20/1/11 by Ken-J]