I've recently got a Striker II and being tall I have a problem with the steering wheel in the way of my legs when driving.
So I either need to bring the wheel closer or raise the wheel column away from my legs.
I think as to bring the wheel closer, I could modify the first steering shaft attached to the rack with its knuckles each end by lengthening, or I
could fit a Boss but it may not bring it out enough.
Or I could raise the column angle away from my legs by modifying the dash and column brackets etc.
Any comments please or has anyone already done theirs for the same reason.
you can get steering wheel spacers, would probably sort it out...
give it a google.....
what about a smaller diamiter steering wheel?
We have had this a few times and the cure has always been thinner seats, D shaped Momo type wheel, or to adjust the angle of the coloumn if possible
on the vehicle concerned. Other optionis to lengthen the column by turning down a sleeve/ boss to fit the wheel to.
Which steering wheel do you have? There's a guy who makes up aluminum steering wheel spacers on the Westfield forum. Any length for about £20.
I had exactly the same problem, and I now love my driving position since buying one. I can put you in touch if you need me to.
As others have said... your choice of steering wheel will make a heck of a difference! Size and shape!