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Rear upright pictures
kango - 28/7/08 at 05:54 PM

I have fabricated a set of Rorty uprights, but have 2 problems :-
1)The calliper (Disc) can not get full movement.
2) At 2" travel the upright hits the chassis (442)

Want to change the callipers to fit on the back of the upright - any problem in feeding through the bleed nipple and putting the bleed nipple in the feed line.

Need some photos of rear uprights - please

Mark G - 28/7/08 at 07:19 PM

When you want to bleed the calipers you'll have to remove the calipers and turn them up so the bleed nipple is at the top.

I guess other than that it should be ok.

kango - 31/7/08 at 04:42 AM

Nobody want to share a photo with me?

mr henderson - 31/7/08 at 07:03 AM

Originally posted by kango
Nobody want to share a photo with me?

Perhaps you should post a photo of what you've done so far, it might stimulate someone with a similar setup to show what they have done


kango - 1/8/08 at 01:01 PM

This is it. The callipers fit at the top, bit there is not enough movement to allow me to fit new pads.

Would like some photos of uprights where the callipers are fitted at the back.

These are according to the Rorty IRS I have just added the extra tab for the shock so it will not be in single sheer. Rescued attachment IMG_0139.JPG
Rescued attachment IMG_0139.JPG

t.j. - 1/8/08 at 08:01 PM

I made the uprights also like Rorty, but combined it with the upright in the AVON book. look free around...

running gear piccies

Mine are made for drums, I didn't want the 90 degree twist what Tiger has.
And now it's possible to fit disks, if I can find them....

kango - 2/8/08 at 04:03 AM

Thanks for that,
I like the idea of the pipe to tie everything together.