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Quaife Reverse Box
Tralfaz - 29/5/08 at 09:27 PM

I have a Quaife reverse box for Bike engined cars that I am looking to sell.

In the USA, but with the crappy dollar, might be worth it for someone in the UK

Never used or filled with oil, but has been fitted.

Plans changed and as car will be track only, just don't need the weight.

As new. (Bought 2-3 years ago) Only potential problem is I can't seem to find the included actuating lever as I removed it for my installation. Though anyone who can build a car could make one.

New 650 pounds

PM if interested.

Looking for $1000 (500 pounds includes shipping, no VAT, sent with receipt for 100 pounds (used).


Trems - 30/5/08 at 10:25 PM

How much does it weight mate?

Tralfaz - 31/5/08 at 12:29 AM

Right now it is still bolted in the car(can check soon), but there is a post on this forum by a memeber who was told by a Quaife tech that it is 6 kilos.


carpmart - 3/6/08 at 11:25 AM

Is it a chain drive or a prop drive box?

If chain drive, please can you send me a picture and I would imagine we can come to some purchase/sale arrangement at that point!

Tralfaz - 4/6/08 at 07:18 PM

Sorry, no it is a prop (inline) unit.
