i need one so i can get my axle on, seems no-one has any...
tried my usual www.tapdie.co.uk who are usually very cheap and good quality taps and service, but they don't have any...
its a long shot, i know...
[Edited on 31/3/08 by blakep82]
speedway has them here.
Wrong side of the pond, but Speedway Motors has great service and may be worth checking out.
Try http://www.tracytools.com/ if you can't borrow one.
cheers guys!
that one in america, they don't seem to be unf taps though it might just be a different name for them?
i'll give tracy tools a shot ian! just remembered though, i bought a tap from ben ford paul in glasgow a few years back... might give them a call
tomorrow. they're just up the road
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5-8-UNF-TAPS-ALL-UNF-LEFT-HAND-TAPS-IN-OUR-SHOP_W0QQitemZ330194337304QQihZ014QQcategoryZ64819QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQ_trksidZp1 638.m118.l1247QQcmdZViewItem
why didn't i think of ebay?!
dude, you're a legend!
I've got 4 card details on there, new cards the bank have sent me for the same account, new card arrive (old one expired 31st march) and i
can't add the new card or remove the details of the old one because i can only add 4 cards
sent the details for the one thats just expired and it seems to have accepted it... only a few minutes out i guess. its not going to bounce back is
it? am i right in thinking that paypal debit my card and authorise it when i click pay? its not sent to the seller to then debit tomorrow is it?
The ones Speedway list as SAE are what you refer to as UNF. A course thread tap would be called UNC. These are the taps used for rod ends (or heims,
or rose joints).
Britain and the US.....two countries separated by a common language....
lol threads confuse the hell out of me... i'm trying to work out a thread on the master cylinder mounts on my car (studs welded to the chassis, and i can't for the life of me work out what thread they are so i can get the nuts for them. and of course i can't take the chassis anywhere for someone to work it out for me, and i've got thread gauges, but its not on there.
Another US source...
search for 2584A62...$28 about 14 quid
If you are stuck and they wont ship to the UK give me a shout and could probably send it for you.
cheers mate, but the one from RDG tools off ebay arrived today, got my axle on
going to start the watts linkage bars tomorrow i think. if only i can remember what i did with my right hand thread 5/8" tap... couldn't
find it today