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FAX my pc etc.
omega 24 v6 - 12/3/09 at 05:38 PM

In an attempt to make contact with my local DVLA and not hae to go through the 0870 routine of 72,555555,555555 menu items ( yes I counted them) I'm wondering how to setup my PC as a fax machine. Can it be done?? how does it work???
I'll need basic in depth instructions as I'm not all that great when it comes to stuff like this.

Thanks in advance

speedyxjs - 12/3/09 at 05:48 PM

It can be done. I used to have software for it but never had a reason to set it up.

gazzarose - 12/3/09 at 06:14 PM

I done it a few times years ago on windows 95. You basically just printed as normal, but choose fax instead of normal printer. Don't know how to do it on XP tho. I don't know about receiving either. My work used to have all faxs to a pc instead of fax machine to save on paper from spam faxes. So its definately possible. Have a look on google. Google knows everything. lol


SteveWalker - 12/3/09 at 06:22 PM

Just about any dial-up modem has a built in fax mode. There's usually software supplied with the modem, although I think XP and later doesn't need it.

Receiving is more of a problem, I personally hate fax machines (or computers) picking up the domestic phoneline, they always just beat you to it!
As it happens my ISP provides me with an individual fax number to give out and any faxes received on it, simply appear to me as emails with attached TIFFs - far more civilised.

scudderfish - 12/3/09 at 06:23 PM

You need a fax modem.

scudderfish - 12/3/09 at 06:24 PM

Or how about ?

Keith Weiland - 12/3/09 at 08:05 PM

If you just want to send a fax it is easily done for free via email but if you want to receive Faxes you will need a fax modem which you would have to connect to your phone line or pay for a fax service which then emails the fax to you. If it is just sending faces then check out

quattromike - 13/3/09 at 09:29 PM

this is something I'm quite interested in
at the moment we're paying for a second line just to recive faxes and we don't get that many but we do get important ish faxes that we need .
is there not a way of keeping the fax number ditching the line rental and sending recieving via outlook?

omega 24 v6 - 13/3/09 at 10:41 PM

Well thanks for the replies folks. Dvla were in touch today so panic over meantime.