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Torrent trouble
Jasper - 4/9/06 at 01:45 PM

I've been downloading using Bit Torrent for some time with a lot of success, but recently I've noticed that things seemed to have slowed up rather drastically.

I'm using the most basic and easy to use software, Bit Tornado - set to a high download rate, have set up my router to run with the automated port finding thingy so that should be fine too, and I have recently uprated my line to 8Mb.

However, I seem to be only able to connect to just a few seeders at a time, with a download speed of around 4-8kbps when in the past this would be MUCH higher.

I have just tried to download something listed as having 749 seeders and leechers, and yet I'm only connected to 12 of them and only a 70% completed version as well.

Any ideas? As it's driving me nuts and I can't figure out what's going on.

MattCraneCustoms - 4/9/06 at 02:26 PM

Try using bitcomet, always works for me. Usually have upload rate between 20kbps and 300kbps. What internet connection have you swapped to, as although it claims to be 8MB this may mean 8MB upstream, with a crappy downstream rate, which could be the cause of your problem
Hope this helps

Jasper - 4/9/06 at 02:33 PM

Matt - still with Freedom2Surf, just checked my download speed - currently running at 5.8Mb, so plently fast enough.

I'll have a try with Bitcomet as well.....

timmy - 4/9/06 at 09:53 PM

Have you checked with your ISP? I know some of them can block/slow BT ports. Moving to encrypted torrents can get around this but it is slower.
Where are you getting your torrents from? I find that torrents from the 'members only' trackers seem to be faster than the public ones. I'm using UKNova and get much faster speeds than I do using the torrents I get off mininova and the like.



Jasper - 5/9/06 at 09:07 AM

I will check with my ISP, cheers.

I use Demonoid, a private site, most of the time, and it's the same with that.