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Cynical? Who me?
David Jenkins - 22/1/09 at 08:44 PM

I had this little thought today...

Gordon 'Mugabe' Brown must know that he has little chance of winning the next election. I was just wondering if he was deliberately putting Britain into the soft and smelly so that the Tories would look really bad for the next few years after the election.

Given that Gordo has a record for being deceitful and spiteful to everyone around him, I shouldn't be at all surprised...

iank - 22/1/09 at 09:08 PM

All political parties tend to do the same thing when they think they won't win anyway.

Continuing the thought did the Republicans deliberately put up someone who looked 1000 years old with an unelectable nutcase in order to lose this one knowing the economy is going to be in the toilet for the next 5 years?

mr henderson - 22/1/09 at 09:15 PM

I hear a lot of people criticising Gordon Brown. Now, I despise the unpleasant Scottish (Scootz) personage, but why he should be blamed for an economic situation that seems to be affecting every other country just as badly is beyond me


Mark Allanson - 22/1/09 at 09:36 PM

He didn't cause the problem, but he is amplifying it and making a load of grubby fisted bankers very VERY rich in the process

martyn_16v - 22/1/09 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by mr henderson
but why he should be blamed for an economic situation that seems to be affecting every other country just as badly is beyond me

Because he was more than happy to try and take the credit for an economic boom that happened to every other country as well, and did little to protect the economy from what was an ultimately predictable situation?

02GF74 - 23/1/09 at 08:49 AM

nope. I thought so too.

cd.thomson - 23/1/09 at 09:58 AM

This really belongs here as well considering hes been chancellor.

Thats nothing to do with global economic downturns (check germany as equivalent for example) more money management. The same with throwing money at banks who are just absorbing it..

mr henderson - 23/1/09 at 10:19 AM

I've heard so many criticisms of Brown that it is becoming boring.

Howabout some suggestions as to why he is making all these ridiculously bad (if the critics are to be believed) decisions?
Can it be that he is stupid? Seems a bit unlikely to me. How about pure political motivation? What would be the political advantage in taking the country into recession?

It's always so easy to criticise, especially if there is no chance of the critic ever being in a position to have their solution tried (and then criticised).


Mr Whippy - 23/1/09 at 10:24 AM

Originally posted by mr henderson
I've heard so many criticisms of Brown that it is becoming boring.

Howabout some suggestions as to why he is making all these ridiculously bad (if the critics are to be believed) decisions?
Can it be that he is stupid? Seems a bit unlikely to me. How about pure political motivation? What would be the political advantage in taking the country into recession?

It's always so easy to criticise, especially if there is no chance of the critic ever being in a position to have their solution tried (and then criticised).


It seems as yet no-one has come up with a solution to the boom / bust cycle, perhaps it needs new thinking. I certainly think the media have as much if not more effect on how this plays out than Brown.

smart51 - 23/1/09 at 10:27 AM

The current financial troubles are caused by bankers and speculators like short sellers. To blame Brown or any other government is a bit much. Government is a bit like steering a ship in a storm that has a broken rudder and a lot of play in the linkage. You can try to influence the direction of travel but the storm and waves are a lot bigger than you and are disinclined to listen.

Because the rest of the world are suffering too, it isn't down to Brown getting it wrong. I doubt the other lot would have done noticably better or worse.

It would make for an interesting campain if we had an election soon. A contest that non of them wanted to win.

Simon - 23/1/09 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by mr henderson
Howabout some suggestions as to why he is making all these ridiculously bad (if the critics are to be believed) decisions?


OK, how about this. He's an economist (should that be economissed!!) and he'd expect a nice job on £1/2m/year for 1 days a week when he gets booted out of power, working in a.. ah errm ooo Ahh a bank!

Cynical enough!



mr henderson - 23/1/09 at 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Simon
Originally posted by mr henderson
Howabout some suggestions as to why he is making all these ridiculously bad (if the critics are to be believed) decisions?


OK, how about this. He's an economist (should that be economissed!!) and he'd expect a nice job on £1/2m/year for 1 days a week when he gets booted out of power, working in a.. ah errm ooo Ahh a bank!

Cynical enough!



Cynical, but not really an answer as to why he is making all these ridiculously bad decisions (if many people here and elsewhere are to be believed), making bad decisions not being an obvious qualification for future employment?


Simon - 23/1/09 at 11:17 PM

No, but if you're the boss of a bank that's just received £10m-£.5b of taxpayers money you might feel obliged to give him a job. Otherwise you might be out of a job.

Have you noticed how many bank bosses are being done for fraud, insolvent trading, false accounting - apart from Madoff (who's American)?



mr henderson - 24/1/09 at 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Simon
No, but if you're the boss of a bank that's just received £10m-£.5b of taxpayers money you might feel obliged to give him a job. Otherwise you might be out of a job.

Have you noticed how many bank bosses are being done for fraud, insolvent trading, false accounting - apart from Madoff (who's American)?



The problem with that theory is that he can't be in line for any such jobs until he is no longer in politics. At which point he would not have any power to help the prospective employers.

It's also rather difficult to believe that the people around him, other politicians and, more importantly, civil servants, would allow him to do this stuff without resistance if they didn't agree with it.


Simon - 24/1/09 at 07:00 PM

My belief of politicians is that the sole reason they are in it, is for their own benefit. No matter how much talking any of them do about creating jobs, more nurses/doctors/teachers/police etc etc, lower crime, the net result is the same.

Nothing gets better, but we get taxed more, and following the recent financial foul-ups, the tax will be spectacular.

Do you think Gordon gives a shite. He has a civil service pension, which means that even if he'd only done one term in the House of Pigs, he'd be entitled to a pension that the rest of us (non civil service) could only dream of.

Explain how Tone has managed to have properties far more valuable than any PM or MP salary should have been able to afford.

Sorry, it's very much a case of "You scratch my back etc etc", and in this case he is scratching the merchant bankers so he can retire a nice wealthy (and employed) man.

It doesn't, of course, actually have anything to do with working for these organisations, but it does the org a lot of good to have "The Right Honourable....." on their Directors list.



mr henderson - 24/1/09 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Simon
My belief of politicians is that the sole reason they are in it, is for their own benefit. No matter how much talking any of them do about creating jobs, more nurses/doctors/teachers/police etc etc, lower crime, the net result is the same.

Nothing gets better, but we get taxed more, and following the recent financial foul-ups, the tax will be spectacular.

Do you think Gordon gives a shite. He has a civil service pension, which means that even if he'd only done one term in the House of Pigs, he'd be entitled to a pension that the rest of us (non civil service) could only dream of.

Explain how Tone has managed to have properties far more valuable than any PM or MP salary should have been able to afford.

Sorry, it's very much a case of "You scratch my back etc etc", and in this case he is scratching the merchant bankers so he can retire a nice wealthy (and employed) man.

It doesn't, of course, actually have anything to do with working for these organisations, but it does the org a lot of good to have "The Right Honourable....." on their Directors list.



Even if you (and I, which I do) believe all that it does not explain why he is making wrong decisions if the correct ones are available to him. You haven't shown a direct connection between these decisions of his which you disapprove of, and his advantage.

Politicians have some concern about how they will be viewed by history, especially when they are still alive, so why he would make stupid and or self-serving wrong decisions requires a bit more explanation, especially as he already has a good pension to look forward to.


GeorgeM - 24/1/09 at 09:57 PM

Heard someone say recently that there is a plot
by all our Scottish leaders to bankrupt England.

Money is going out to give a better standard of
living in Scotland (health service, education, etc).

In a few years time, when England is broke, there
will be a complete take over and rescue of England
by the Scottish parliament.

Perhaps this time they will do it

GeorgeM - 24/1/09 at 10:17 PM

On a more serious note, I think politicians,
like all people can become indoctrinated with
their ways and beliefs. Most have no idea of life in
the real world.
Many world leaders have done things which
history has shown, with hindsight, could have
been mistaken.
Business leaders make mistakes, companies
do go bust. No one can be right all the time.

Our politiacal leaders are set in their ways,
are they big enough to admit their mistakes?
Is there anyone who would want to challenge
Brown at the moment?
The country is living beyond its means and we are
borrowing more every day.
If anyone knows the answer HELP!!

PS - I don't trust any of them!!

Hugh Paterson - 24/1/09 at 10:23 PM

George your on to somthing there I despair of the fact that we have MP's, MSP's, Euro MP's bloody councillor's quangos and uncle tom cobbly n all, and all I can see is people lining pockets with minimal accountability to the electorate, our current system sucks, and to be perfectly frank I cant blame the 100 thou or so people a month that are getting out of this mess. I dont care if its Westminster or Holyrood, there all a bunch of money grabbing twats that aint fit to wipe my shoe's o dog droppings

quattromike - 25/1/09 at 12:19 AM

The problem we have is we don't really manufacture anything any more, we seem to be more financially orientated in this country with all the banks. So with the financial world colapsing I think we're feeling it more than others.


gazza285 - 25/1/09 at 02:02 AM

What's next, religion or football?

How can Brown understand the common man? Has he ever been one? Can't even drive himself about to find out. Can't believe that he said everything would be alright if everybody else in the World followed his policies, and the downturn would be over! All hail Flash the Cash Gordon.

Robbed our pensions, sold the gold, saddled us all with billions of debt, and ended boom and bust? First class cocktard.

Hugh Paterson - 25/1/09 at 09:20 AM

har har, hot on the press, seems 4 peers are now being investigated for taking a bung to raise questions in the house of lords
nice way to improve your pension im sure!!
Of course its still to be investigated by the Lords themselves, care to bet they will find nothing wrong??

gottabedone - 25/1/09 at 09:49 PM

Unfortunately, due to the incompetence and irresponsibility of those managing our money, the whole country is stuffed for another 3 years. The problem is so big that no matter what SuperGord does he can only tread water. The country doesn't have enough money to solve the problem - even though the public looks to SuperGord for help like a child to a father. The best thing that he can do is nothing - the more money that he throws away in these futile schemes ( a la Millenium Dome!!) the more our taxes go up and we have to pay back. That just pinches and galls the middle class tax payer even more because the billions that we are paying out to rescue banks etc are paying fat cheques to the same irresponsible people that caused the problem.

Tighten the belt Gord and admit that there iis nothing that you can do

...............................and relax