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News Item Woman denies biting off err [i] toasticles [/i]
britishtrident - 21/4/11 at 06:22 PM

BBC News "Gateshead woman denies biting off boyfriends testicles"

Craigman9 - 21/4/11 at 06:27 PM

How can you deny that??

Having one missing is surely enough evidence?

mistergrumpy - 21/4/11 at 07:20 PM

Aye, surely having them in her mouth proves she was intent on biting them off. I mean why else would she put them in there?

blakep82 - 21/4/11 at 07:35 PM

terrible timing for a case of lock jaw

Cubby - 21/4/11 at 07:45 PM

Well at least :

She was granted ball !!!!

lotusmadandy - 21/4/11 at 08:03 PM

The gentleman in question is a friend of mine and this is no joke.
She didnt bite them clean off but they were hanging by a few threads
and he lost 2 pints of blood due to the injury.

he said the woman in question refused to call an ambulance for him and got
up and left the house.The ambulance service couldnt understand what he was
saying as he was in so much pain.

He is back on his feet but hasnt erm..... tried his clems out yet


britishtrident - 21/4/11 at 08:07 PM

I don't any man finds it funny just bloody terrifying.

lotusmadandy - 21/4/11 at 08:17 PM

Its all over the local radio stations up here,that she has pleaded not guilty
and she got bail......

I have to assume that he didnt bite his own knackers off,so that only leaves her to do it.

When i heard about it from him,it certainly made me cross my legs
