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cita2 - 20/8/06 at 05:58 PM

Little Jhonny,age 4,is sitting very lonely and crying while looking at a pair of winter boots in front of him.
When one of the female teachers is noticing this she go's over to little Jhonny and ask's him what the problem is.
"my feet are cold and I cannot get these boots on"he says.
Well well,that's not a problem miss Jennifer says,I'll put them on for you.
She starts pushing the boots on Jhonny's little feet but apart from him being not very cooperative,she realy struggles to get the boots on his feet.
Finnaly she succeeeds but when she finish tying the shoelaces little Jhonny says:"me boots are on the wrong feet"!
A little embarresed miss Jennifer notice this after Jhonny's remark and starts to remove the boots which,given the fact that they where very difficult to put on, was not an easy task either.
She manages to get the right boot on the right foot and aldo it's mid winter,some very fine drops of sweat are formed on miss Jennifers front head.
"Glad that it's all over now she says to Jhonny "so now you're ready to go".
Jhonny stares at his little feet and than says:"these are not MY boots"
Miss Jennifer is trying very hard to stay calm but she notice that in the back of her head the desire comes up to give that little sod a whack on the head, but she manages to keep cool and starts to get those boots back off Jhonny's feet,which again is a very demanding task.
When the boots are finnaly off Jhonny's feet miss Jennifer ask's Jhonny to whom those boots belong.
"They belong to my brother but me Mom told me that I have to wear them"
Neraly exploding, miss Jennifer starts to put the boots back on Jhonny's feet and after 5 minutes she managed to get them back on starting to wonder why it is so difficult to get these boots on.
Jhonny looks very pleased now and while miss Jennifer is crawling on her feet again she ask's Jhonny "so you're ready to go play with the other children-where are your gloves?"

"I have put them in me boots !!!"

leto - 21/8/06 at 08:22 AM

Somehow reminds me of dealing with my boss.

Hellfire - 21/8/06 at 10:01 AM

Very good....