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Checks date, no not early April
iank - 24/9/08 at 06:34 PM

carpmart - 24/9/08 at 08:52 PM

I can just picture the imaginary conversation now...... Auntie Dorris, how did you break your hip then?
Auntie Dorris....well, I don't really know!
Me...what do you mean, you dozy old bat, I spent a fortune on airbags and you still get hurt.
AD....on what?
Me....airbags in that jacket I told you to always wear.
AD...what jacket?
Me...the brown one!
AD...I don't have a brown one????
Me...also, what happened to your nose?
AD...I fell over last week but luckily I bounced off a rubber balloon which happened to be behind me... why the broken nose and black eyes then?
AD...I bounced off the balloon and smashed my face off the floor!

Its about now that I remember that she has Alzheimer so never remembered to put the jacket on!

Complete waste of time!

Tralfaz - 26/9/08 at 12:12 AM

Airbag might save a hip, but the sound of it going off will give them a heart attack.


martyn_16v - 26/9/08 at 10:18 AM

I can see a new craze developing, along the lines of cow-tipping but with old people

Would be great for drunk people...