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Ali vs GRP (no CF) - Bodywork options - LMP, Ultima eta on the cheap
StuartBJ - 19/4/08 at 01:10 PM

Hi Chaps,

As most of you already know I am currently flapping about the body work to my V12 LMP "locost".

I am currently talking to GRP guys about cost when i stumbled across a LMP bodywork thread, where the body work (nose cone) is panel ali (2mm thick), then just bent into shape on a bender.

This has given me food for though as I previously was only gooing to panel the side pods as these are very easy to do.

What do you guys think about cutting the front nose cone out from sheet and then just bending it on a bender???? Obviously a CAD drawing (done by me) will be done and maybe even a cardboard mockup and a CNC machine will be needed, but I would imagine that this would be much cheaper to cut out and ali weld it rather than make a complete plug/mould etc. I`m not opposed to spending money on the body work (grp), but it doesn`t really fit in with the spirtit of my build (but if its the only way, so be it).

What do you guys think?? would it look out of place?? Any ideas on CNC prices? The panel used previously was 3000mm x 1500mm with all the shapes profiled out so it can be done in one operation.

Any idea`s on pricing? suggestions?

I`m not going to use CF as I know how much work, time and expense it WILL incur (materials engineer by trade).

Best Regards


RK - 19/4/08 at 01:51 PM

I know less than zero about that stuff, but it always seems to me that the full bodied stuff costs a lot of money, compared to a 7 style (which over here still costs way too much).

Trev D - 19/4/08 at 02:59 PM

Hi Stuart before you can be given any price guide I would need to see or have an idea of the shape and size of your nose cone depending on the size I maybe able to help you as I have made all of the bodywork on my locost you may look in my photo archives if this is of any help. ATB Trev

stevebubs - 19/4/08 at 03:10 PM

StuartBJ - 19/4/08 at 06:45 PM

Trev U2U`d you.....

car above is very similar to my car (rear wing not intergrated) imagine that from ali sheet.

Mansfield - 19/4/08 at 07:32 PM

Trev could make that body in aluminium no problem, you should see his car - it is beautiful.

StuartBJ - 19/4/08 at 07:34 PM

I have and its gorgeous.....mmmm polished

skodaman - 20/4/08 at 12:57 AM

Yes the nose cone on Trev's car is a work of art even if it had a little dent on it when i saw it. If you've since made yourself a new one Trev i'll give u fifty quid for the old one.

Bluemoon - 20/4/08 at 08:51 AM

Anythings possible, you will need to do some reading on Ali body work.. If you have the time an patance and skill Ali is a good option, I would guess this to be cheaper than GRP..

My attitude was, build a 7 with Ali body but any compound curves whould be in GRP... The 7 is great in this respect as the only componed curve is the nose cone... If you can make the body without compound curves it's not a difficult job (but does take time), not sure what your bodywork is to look like!

For example the infill pannel above is not made with compound curves but carfully bend using too bits of wood an a rubber mallet:

Infill pannel
Infill pannel

Infill pannel 2
Infill pannel 2



[Edited on 20/4/08 by Bluemoon]

907 - 20/4/08 at 10:32 AM

I tried to make my first nose with only single curves. It was sh*te.

It was so bad, that when I cut it up into small pieces and dumped it in the charity shop recycling bin they sent it back.

So bad, that when that well mannered, perfect gentleman, Trev D saw it he said, "Mmmm, It could be better."

Fortunately a lightning strike on the electric pole in the back garden destroyed all the photographic evidence on my pooter.

Paul G

David Jenkins - 20/4/08 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by 907
So bad, that when that well mannered, perfect gentleman, Trev D saw it he said, "Mmmm, It could be better."

Ouch! That's harsh coming from Trev!


Fortunately a lightning strike on the electric pole in the back garden destroyed all the photographic evidence on my pooter.

God's way of protecting your reputation?

907 - 20/4/08 at 10:54 AM

Te He.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Paul G

StuartBJ - 20/4/08 at 01:02 PM

Here is the LMP body thread (Ali from flat sheet) for the nose cone, then welded together, as you can see from the picture the onle curves are cut from the panel, not formed. The novel thing about this (after a fair bit of thought, it would be easy to just machine the stringers from slightly thicker plate and form the skin over the top (very stiff) and very cost effective (im not being cheap, it just is ha ha ha)

I`m sure Trev will be interested in this