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Scam's or should that be scum?
kj - 6/7/10 at 11:38 AM

there is a fraudulant email going around stating you are entitled to a tax refund from ''hmrc'' looks very legitimate as the web site is identical to the governments.
hmrc will only contact you via post.

Also phone calls claiming to be BT and if man of the house answers they say that it was the wife who had logged the call or if the wife answers says the man logged the call, to say your internet has been running slow.
They then try to get you to hand over you e-mail address and your pass word so they can logg in (yeh right like you would give them that) but some might i a child answers the phone.

[Edited on 6/7/10 by kj]

adithorp - 6/7/10 at 12:11 PM

I've had the tax one several times. Last one said I was owed £150 or a sum in Canadian Dollors! It had a claim form attached (no I didn't open it) with a note to say "this form is not available on the web site.
I forwarded it to HMRC.


jossey - 6/7/10 at 12:29 PM

we normally have fun with them and mask our ip address as someone important then goto the sites they ask you to visit.

you can get them then to try hack police ip addresses etc. never ends up good for them lol

Daddylonglegs - 6/7/10 at 12:37 PM

I'd love them to ring me and say the BT internet is running slow.

It certainly is, can't even get the ADSL Modem to sync from the line signal 'cos it's so far from the exchange!

We have wireless broadband (unlicensed WiMAX I believe, but the chap who installed it didn't seem to sure ) I teach the stuff for a living so didn't give him too much of a hard time

BenB - 6/7/10 at 01:54 PM

How / why does anyone fall for a "scam" whereby your ISP supposedly rings you up to ask you for your username / password. They would know that information so wouldn't need it.....

What worries me is that people fall for it.

Social engineering whereby people learn information in order to fool you is one thing. Doing a "hello madam" phonejacker stylee is just lazy.

oldtimer - 6/7/10 at 03:40 PM

The one I got a few days ago was this (the info at the bottom is a bit of a giveaway, and the dodgy English.....):

Tax Refund Notification

Our record indicates that you have overpaid tax. Therefore, eligible to receive a tax refund of 380 GBP

To reclaim overpaid tax you must submit a tax refund request and allow us 2-3 weeks in order to process it.

Click Here to submit your overpaid tax refund request

When might you have overpaid tax through your job?

You may have paid too much tax if:

* you started a new job and had an emergency tax code for a while
* your employer was using the wrong tax code

Note : A refund can be delayed a variety of reasons, for example submitting invalid records or applying after deadline.

Yours Sincerely,

HM Revenue & Customs

WEB.DE DSL ab 19,99 Euro/Monat. Bis zu 150,- Euro Startguthaben und
50,- Euro Geldprämie inklusive!

[Edited on 6/7/10 by oldtimer]

morcus - 6/7/10 at 06:00 PM

Messing with phone scammers is the best. My brothers mate had one of those where they try and get you to press a key and somehow means you pay them money through your phone bill, He just kept them on the line saying nothing for half an hour, he could hear them breathing.

I had a Scammer tell me my wife had phoned him and he wanted to know something (I can't recall what). I told him I'd get her then started shouting stuff then went back to the phone and said something like, my wife can't come to the phone because she's ficticious, would you like to leave a message.

Ninehigh - 6/7/10 at 08:39 PM

We used to have a good one when I lived at home, I've got 2 brothers so:

Could I speak to Mr.X please?
Yeah which one?
The one who is about 20 years old
Yeah which one?
The one who is about 20 years old
Yeah they're twins which one do you want?
The one who was born in 1982
Don't know about India mate but over here twins are born at the same time. Come back when you're not scamming us *click*