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Ford TIS help or disc/dvd please.
TPG - 11/1/13 at 05:10 PM

I have a Ford TIS Zip file from here . All good and not complaining because its FREE! But here in lies the problem. Got the files download loaded etc etc. But I can't get the buggers open or installed. Internerd searches have said unzip and save to CD then load onto "C" , but all I get at install is an empty folder called Technical Information System (TIS)that says cd rom installed.
Failing that, does anybody have wiring diagrams/or access to copy and send, for a 1.8 Duratec C-Max on a 2004 'plate? It really needs to be the Ford ones as i'm deep into a suspect earth fault that really plays up when its cold ambient (<6 degrees and gets worst as it gets colder ambient) until the car gets proper warm after about 5 miles. keeps dropping into limp home etc.sometimes says power steering etc etc.Off an on clears it. Oh, and the oil light only flashes up briefly when the ignition is first switched on......


beaver34 - 11/1/13 at 05:16 PM

what do you actually want the wiring diagram of? which section as it will not be on one page

there isnt that many earth points in the loom to be fair, not in the ones ive removed from cars

TPG - 11/1/13 at 05:25 PM

It'll be the engine electrics/front end electrics (covering the throttle body and accelerator potentiometer at least). Its the oddest fault. It is affected by the weather. I think I have damp/corrosion in on one somewhere ( The nsf chassis leg one was bad) as it is throwing up odd fault codes as well. I can't get it to constantly fail in one given test. I thought poor battery...No. Then air intake sensor (part of the throttle body). Then there's the reverent oil light.You know how it goes.

[Edited on 11/1/13 by TPG]

AdrianH - 11/1/13 at 07:12 PM

I had the same problem with the install took me a while to figure out, but found eventually with searches on the web.

I ended up unzipping the files and burning them on a CD, but the volume name of the CD had to be written as ISEN0401

I think 04 is the year and 01 is January.

So when they say write to a directory instead there was a change in an ini file to point to a different location and that had to be called ISEN0401.

Did that make sense, some times I can talk bollocxs!


TPG - 11/1/13 at 08:47 PM

1.Crete a DATA DISC using Roxio creator basic v9
2.title/Call the disc ISEN0401
4.keep the disc in, select the Install(SETUP.EXE) tab.
5.This will install the empty Technical Instruction program?

Is the above anywhere near the plan?

AdrianH - 11/1/13 at 09:43 PM

I will download the file now and check if same year and month?


Tried to download but it stopped at 269 Meg so for some reason did not get a full download. Have you cracked it yet, is there anything that says what month and year it is?

[Edited on 11-1-13 by AdrianH]

TPG - 12/1/13 at 09:13 AM

Yeah but no but....

Got it to install. The program or folder isn't now empty.Hhhhhraaaa! It has an update exe in it that doesn't want to update just yet.Get the green ford screen but now with the ford tis logo . Then get "could not open oa_setup database" 'box. Behind that is another 'box OASIS install.
I'm going to check on the dates that you've mentioned.

Edit to say that that install exe has 14th of January 2004 on it.

[Edited on 12/1/13 by TPG]

TPG - 19/1/13 at 10:11 PM

Okay Now I have it.
It needs to be unzipped/processed and blah blahed in WINRAR for all you techies out here. I tried it with everything except WINRAR. Gave it to a friend/massive computer fan who turned back up 24hrs later saying "I don't know what you were f%(cing about at...."