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AVG being a DEK!
omega0684 - 15/12/08 at 05:59 PM

my AVG won't automatically update,
i have made no changes on it what so ever

it comes up with, UPDATE FAILED! Invalid update Control CTF File

Any ideas?

coozer - 15/12/08 at 06:00 PM

Change to Avast??

graememk - 15/12/08 at 06:03 PM

yeap avast free

greggors84 - 15/12/08 at 06:07 PM

Mines updating fine so not a problem with the server.

You tried reinstalling?

llionellis - 15/12/08 at 06:09 PM

Mine did that. reinstalled it and it still doesn't work.

mistergrumpy - 15/12/08 at 06:25 PM

Yeah mine hasn't wanted to update for a while now.

Humbug - 15/12/08 at 07:19 PM

My AVG free is updating fine

Shadowcaster - 15/12/08 at 07:27 PM

Go here and download AVG Mechanic, worked a treat when mine stopped updating.

speedyxjs - 15/12/08 at 07:44 PM

Mine wouldnt update a few weeks ago. After a few days it suddenly decided to start working again

Hellfire - 15/12/08 at 09:21 PM

Being a former AVG user and having problems with it I changed to Avira. I had a few virii with that and changed to Kaspersky (paid for!) an dnever had a problem since.

Incidently - following regular updates following Avira scans I found 47 virii and trojans. You get what you pay for! No going back to freebie Anti-virus Progs for me...


JonBowden - 15/12/08 at 11:48 PM

when that last hapened to me, the fix was to delete the CTF files as they had become corrupt.
If you do a search on Google with the error message, you will find what to do.

907 - 16/12/08 at 10:57 PM

Originally posted by JonBowden
when that last hapened to me, the fix was to delete the CTF files as they had become corrupt.
If you do a search on Google with the error message, you will find what to do.

Cheers Jon,

followed your advice, now sorted.

Paul G