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I am pooing my self
pgtips - 21/1/10 at 08:51 PM

I know that makes me sound like a girl but I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my dentist for a route cannal......................and I am bricking it .

Gos I hate dentist.

[Edited on 21-1-10 by pgtips]

dave r - 21/1/10 at 08:56 PM

the bit i hated was when they measure how deep the hole was.... think mine was 21mm

RichardK - 21/1/10 at 08:56 PM

Not as bad as people make out, I've had two, not that I proud of them or anything! Didn't cry or anything Think technology has moved on making it less painfull..

Did cry when I got the bill though, robbing ba%$%$ worked it out and it was something 150 an hour.

Don't worry...



scootz - 21/1/10 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by RichardK
Not as bad as people make out, I've had two, not that I proud of them or anything!


You'll be well numbed-up!

MakeEverything - 21/1/10 at 08:59 PM

Some people pay good money for the kind of pain your going to endure tomorrow...

Good luck. Youll need it.

Oh, er, i mean, youll be fine, you wont feel a thing.

In all seriousness, try meditation. Put yourself somewhere completely different when its going on. Thats what i do most of the time, and it works for me!!

mistergrumpy - 21/1/10 at 08:59 PM

Yeah I've had root canal and it was a doddle. Didn't have to pay for mine though which was nice.

Daddylonglegs - 21/1/10 at 09:03 PM

Originally posted by dave r
the bit i hated was when they measure how deep the hole was.... think mine was 21mm

That'll make him feel so much more relaxed!

madrallysport - 21/1/10 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by dave r
the bit i hated was when they measure how deep the hole was.... think mine was 21mm

The bit i hate most is the BILL

pgtips - 21/1/10 at 09:08 PM

Thanks guys.

Hopefully want be any more painful than the night all started.......Christmas eve . I stayed up all night.....standing...If I was to sit down......BANG pain like anything I have experience before in my life. I ended up standing all night in the dark against the kitchen wall. What a night.

Managed to see my dentist few days later but the nerves was too "angry....the dentists word " to do anything and he temporarily filled it. 22 days later I am about to face my worst fear......THE DENTIST.

flibble - 21/1/10 at 09:23 PM

Don't panic, once your numb you wont feel a thing, just mind your tongue/lips on the hot sealing implement the waggle about in there afterwards!
Staring at the assistant/nurse will take your mind off the boredom though

Toltec - 21/1/10 at 09:23 PM

Originally posted by madrallysport
Originally posted by dave r
the bit i hated was when they measure how deep the hole was.... think mine was 21mm

The bit i hate most is the BILL

Try having the same tooth done again because the first dentist missed one branch of the root and having to pay for a crown as there is not enough of the tooth left to fill.

Deep breath.

just over £500 btw

The dental work was pretty painless as the root was already dead. The pain from the secondary infection until the antibiotics cut in was a bitch though.

scootz - 21/1/10 at 09:27 PM

Will be far less painful than your initial episode...

davie h - 21/1/10 at 09:31 PM

i hate the dentist

last time i went i almost broke the armrests off the seat from tensing up the nurse had to calm me down, even though i didnt feel any pain im still scared stiff of the place.


clairetoo - 21/1/10 at 09:32 PM

Last root canal I had , I did start to worry when the dentist picked up a torch and a canary in a little cage , then tied a rope around his waist....................

Nah..............nothing to worry about...........says a girl so scared silly of dentists I lose sleep for 2 or 3 nights before a checkup

[Edited on 21/1/10 by clairetoo]

LBMEFM - 21/1/10 at 09:33 PM

If you think you have experienced pain in the head lets hope you never experience Trigeminal Neuralgia ( Google it)- I had it three years ago and it took brain surgery to cure with three days in intensive care, three weeks in hospital and six weeks at home - still musn't grumble, all better now. Barry

Agriv8 - 21/1/10 at 10:22 PM

had one done a couple of years ago.

Dentist scare me more that anything else its a real deep routed irational fear that goes back to the dentist I had as a kid doing big filling wih no injections to numb the tooth .

1st rule tell the dentist you are bricking it

I did that with my current dentist and he has been brilliant telling me what he is going to do and how much pain / discomfort to expect he even numbs the gums before the injections with some jelly stuff. Still cacking myself before I go but 100% beter that I used to be.

fingers crossed for a simple pain free root canal job

Puzzled - 21/1/10 at 10:34 PM

Reach out , hold him by the NUTS and say --- " WE WONT HURT EACH OTHER -- WILL WE "

big-vee-twin - 21/1/10 at 10:47 PM

last year I had an absess, the dentist had to drill down the tooth and out the other end and down into my jaw bone.

Didnt feel a thing, but the hot thing is a bit un-nerving.

zilspeed - 21/1/10 at 11:29 PM

As a child, I didn't look after my teeth.
I used to be scared of the dentist, note used to be.
Since I've grown up and rationalised it,
I've had root canal, I've had an extraction where the only bit left was the root, I've had a cyst removed which required 5 day hospitilisation and a maxilofacial surgeon.

Since I become grown up about it, I have accepted that the dentist will do everything to make sure I do not experience pain.
Seriously, the last time I had root canal, I managed to have myself sufficiently calm and believe all of the above that I came within a hair's breadth of falling asleep in the dentist's chair.

The key is to close your eyes, you don't need to see what thy're doing, so why stress youself by looking. Lie down, close your eyes, listen to the soothing voice or the radio in my case, because they always have one on in my dentist.

Seriously, there is nothing whatosever to get tense about far less stressed.

Andi - 21/1/10 at 11:29 PM

IV sedation in the hand y e a h m a a n!

You have to ask, and theres normally at least 1 dentist in the surgery that will do it.
Dont feel a thing, dont remember a thing except maybe saying "kin el" as you float away.

Down side is you feel crap and knackerd for the rest of the day and you have to take a responsible driving adult with you.

cs3tcr - 22/1/10 at 12:18 AM

I had two done on some remains of front teeth (hockey), and the only time i felt anything was when the freezing wore off. I metabolize the freezing too quickly, so i think i had something like 3 times the normal amount. But, when its frozen, nothing to worry about.

Still an odd feeling when they hand you a mirror or an x-ray and show you how deep they went.

[Edited on 22/1/10 by cs3tcr]

Staple balls - 22/1/10 at 01:31 AM

Had one done not long ago, bit of aching afterwards, but really nothing on the pain the tooth had been causing. Nothing to worry about really.

Especially given the dental nurses around here are all aesthetically pleasing.

RK - 22/1/10 at 02:37 AM

I remember getting a tooth smashed in hockey as a kid (before face shields), and there was NO anasthetic that helped while he was grinding away on the exposed nerve. I thought it hurt til I dropped a floor jack on my big toe a few weeks ago. BRING ON THE DENTIST!

MikeRJ - 22/1/10 at 06:20 AM

I had two root canals done about 10 years ago and I can safely say it was one of the most agonising things I have ever experienced, and it really put me off dentists. They both fell out at around 8 years as well. The filling part of one became so loose I pulled it out complete with the long metal wires that go down the tooth root

speedyxjs - 22/1/10 at 07:11 AM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
Put yourself somewhere completely different when its going on. Thats what i do most of the time, and it works for me!!

Got to agree with that. I had what was probably the worlds biggest filling done by the worst dentist in the world and it was over in a flash and i almost felt nothing as i was concentrating so hard on a to do list for the locost

02GF74 - 22/1/10 at 10:04 AM

nasty business but not painful.

Had one as a kid. They drill into the tooth and you can smell the burning enamel/dentine whatever and then they put in a reamer - like one of those stud extractors - to pull the nerve out.

But at least is was free for me.

It isn't pleasant but if all goes well, should tkae more than 15 minutes. Yes, time does seem to stop as you a cliniging onto the armrest but it is a welcome relief to the pain so worth doing it.

Keep reminding yourself that Rambo would have done this himself and stop being a wuss will get you trhough.

Godd luck.

woodster - 22/1/10 at 10:36 AM

Originally posted by dave r
the bit i hated was when they measure how deep the hole was.... think mine was 21mm

that should make him feel loads better

wilkingj - 22/1/10 at 11:29 AM

I know how you feel...
I have a pathalogical fear / phobia about dentists.

Have been twice in the last 40 years.
I only have 7 teeth and 3 stubs which need extracting left

Mostly down to the school dentists on the late 50's and early 60's. Fillings and extractions with no anasthetic was no fun for me as a 9 year old boy.

I just cant get over the fear. Even seeing the brass nameplate on the front wall of the property makes me shake with fear. Let alone actually entering the building or sitting in the seat.

Even writing this is making me feel off colour.

I can even feel other peoples pain. You describe something nasty that happened to you, and I start feeling that pain. Its not a lot of fun or very nice

You have my sympathies.

OX - 22/1/10 at 12:04 PM

I used to fear my old dentist ,he always smelt of booz and was very rough with me and often gave me enough pain to the point where i stopped going ..up until 2 years ago when i decided to get my teeth fixed and found a man with the touch of god lol. My teeth were in bad way and so far its cost £1500 with 3 root canals left to do before i can have a brace fitted top and bottom ,but gone are the days when i used to worry about going for a visit.

sucksqueezebangblow - 22/1/10 at 12:32 PM

Originally posted by pgtips
I know that makes me sound like a girl but I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my dentist for a route cannal......................and I am bricking it .

Gos I hate dentist.

[Edited on 21-1-10 by pgtips]

Could be worse, I've just had a surgical extraction of a molar "in the chair". Left part of my jaw exposed. I'm on pain killers and antibiotics, and have to swill with salt water every few hours. I feel like I've done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson!!!

thefreak - 22/1/10 at 01:10 PM

It helps when you have a good dentist. I've been hit and miss recently.
The first guy was rubbish, felt like he couldn't be bothered. He referred me for an extraction and the guy that pulled it was aweful. I was in agony and when he finally ripped it out it was a mess.

I spoke to friends and family as the tooth infront of the one that was removed started to get infected and abcesses on the gum. Went back to the first one and he said that one needs to come out foo! fook that! I looked around and was suggested a root canal could save it. So after being recommended to another dentist, I took the missus along with me (she used to work in ENT so knows about things like that) and walked in, told him I was aprehensive to say the least, and he was great!
He explained everything he was doing, asked to say if there was any discomfort (wasn't any) and was describing the process all the time. Wasn't in any pain, apart from the initial scratch from the needle and the aching jaw for having it open for an hour.
I need to go back for another re-filling (botched job from the first idiot) and am still aprehensive but gonna get it sorted soonish so I can hold onto that one as well rather than having ANOTHER extraction!?

pgtips - 22/1/10 at 02:33 PM

Whell guys you have been a great help.

I am back from the dentist with the first part of the r/cannal complete. Piece of cake....I don't know what you lot paniced about .

No honest the dentist done a great job. The only thing I felt was the injection initially. After that I remembered all your great advice you gave me so close your eyes, think about your kit car or make a list, and the most important of all.....relax..... that helped allot.

I need to go back in ten days for the second and finnal part 'I hope'. No more drilling he said

Can I just say something. Posting here last night about it has helped me allot to combat my fear about my visit to the dentist today. I wasnt sure what to expect.
So for that I do really thank you very much.

zilspeed - 22/1/10 at 04:56 PM

Knew it would work - well done.

To all the rest of you, if your dentist is causing you any pain at all, you need a new dentist.
A good dentist can give you the injection with nothing more than the slightest tingle on your gum. After that and with the anaesthesia taking hold, lie back in the chair and enjoy the fact that you're in a warm room lying back having a rest.

MikeRJ - 22/1/10 at 05:12 PM

Originally posted by zilspeed
Knew it would work - well done.

To all the rest of you, if your dentist is causing you any pain at all, you need a new dentist.

I think that sums it up pretty well.

There are clearly some pretty rough 'dentists' out there that don't care what they do or how painful it is, and of course many that do an excellent job. The thing is a few visits to the former type is enough to put you off going to a dentist of the rest of your life.

Alan B - 22/1/10 at 05:30 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
............Put yourself somewhere completely different when its going on.........

A bit like being at work then?

Peteff - 22/1/10 at 06:05 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
............Put yourself somewhere completely different when its going on.........

Sounds like my missus I didn't go near a dentist for 20 odd years, they hurt last time I went but my wife needed some treatment and she had to sign up at a local practise so I went too. I was apprehensive but when I was in the chair she (the dentist, very nice chatty lady) poked around and declared my teeth all in good order. My wife needed £200 worth of repairs though

speedyxjs - 22/1/10 at 07:27 PM

Im glad it went well

02GF74 - 23/1/10 at 02:57 PM

Originally posted by pgtips
Well guys you have been a great help.

I am back from the dentist with the first part of the r/cannal complete.

posted on 22/1/10 at 14:33

so it was all over by tooth hurty??

big_wasa - 23/1/10 at 08:02 PM

Dentist wouldnt touch mine. Charged me £110 for little more than coarse of anti bio' and a referal to the hospital to have them out

David Jenkins - 23/1/10 at 10:13 PM

My dentist's pretty good - won't do stuff unless he thinks it's really necessary.

Ninehigh - 24/1/10 at 09:03 AM

Last time I went to a dentist I needed a course of antibiotics because it was infected. I nearly passed out when he came at me with a needle that looked (from my perspective) like it would take down a cow, then nearly puked at the crunching sound (tooth was so rotten there was nothing to show me). To top this off when I left I promptly got stuck in the biggest traffic jam of my life, so not only am I fearful of the dentist but I worry when I can't see what's stopped the traffic.

Still I'd rather go through the above again than the 2 weeks without sleep and pain so bad I was trying to punch out the while side of my face to stop it.

zilspeed - 24/1/10 at 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Last time I went to a dentist I needed a course of antibiotics because it was infected. I nearly passed out when he came at me with a needle that looked (from my perspective) like it would take down a cow, then nearly puked at the crunching sound (tooth was so rotten there was nothing to show me). To top this off when I left I promptly got stuck in the biggest traffic jam of my life, so not only am I fearful of the dentist but I worry when I can't see what's stopped the traffic.

Still I'd rather go through the above again than the 2 weeks without sleep and pain so bad I was trying to punch out the while side of my face to stop it.

As I said previously in this thread.

Lie down and close your eyes is the best way.
You really don't need to know what size the needle is or what bits of ironmongery they are using to do what they have to do.

Ninehigh - 24/1/10 at 04:21 PM

True, and at least next time (cos there will be a next time) I can think about how much it hurts to not have it done!