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Am I to honest
expatkiwi - 7/7/10 at 05:25 AM

Well here I am up and ready to do another days graft for the man.The only good thing about the job is that my wages are there every week without fail.
Everyone around me is getting rich throught theiving from the boss and doing "deals"(dont get me wrong, i love to do a deal but its always car parts for sale)
To add insult to injury the boss came in yeterday and took the days takings and then back handed the foreskin...sorry foreman £50. The boss doesnt know that he had already helped himself to at least £200 that day.
But for all the theiving they have nothing to show for it apart from knackered kidneys and a hangover everyday.
yet I have to watch every penny just to pay the bills and feed the kids.
Have a nice day peeps I am off to sit in my digger for another 10 hours making big stones into small ones

john_p_b - 7/7/10 at 06:18 AM

i know exactly how you feel, same kind of thing happens every day where i work. The foreman and under foreman are on the take for everything they can yet no one high up sees it while everyone on the shop floor knows exactly what goes on. they ponce around in nearly new cars trying to live a life that is simply beyond them looking down on the rest of us but we all just laugh at them, they are morgaged to the hill, got so many loans i don't think they honestly know anymore how much they owe yet the rest of us just turn up do our work, go home and collect our pay at the end of the week.

i personally rest happy in the knowledge every day that while they are having to steal to pay for their way of life, my morgage will be paid off by the time i'm 38 and i've earned every penny of it.

just rise above it mate and just think if and when the poo does hit the fan and someone finds out what's going on you can safely sidestep the flying debris

FFTS - 7/7/10 at 06:25 AM

I hate cheats and theives.

An anonymous email or letter to the boss or owners would be the way to go and get the f*******rs sacked.

Humbug - 7/7/10 at 06:29 AM

I don't think I would be able to stand and watch that happening... as above, maybe an anonymous tipoff higher up?

john_p_b - lucky you to be able to pay off your mortgage by the age of 38! Did you get it when you were 13?

I'm 50 and I reckon I've got another 4 more years to go

Wheels244 - 7/7/10 at 06:49 AM

Honesty is an admirable quality - I detest thieves.

Shop them and sleep sound in your bed knowing you've done the right thing.

iank - 7/7/10 at 06:53 AM

One word of warning, in my experience anonymous tipoffs rarely stay that way, as they are usually pretty easy to guess.

So only go that way if you can afford to lose the job and not get a decent reference. The big boss will likely also be on the take and may not take kindly to someone rocking the boat, and sometimes the foreman gets away with it because he's 'family'.

r1_pete - 7/7/10 at 06:55 AM

I would definately do something about it, if you think it through they are gambling with your livelihood!!

By taking from the company, they are reducing the companies proffit, business depends on proffit to survive. If business slows, they can't stop their taking, can't afford to, so what will the owners do??

and we all know redundo's start at the bottom.

Shop the thieving scum!!!

Daddylonglegs - 7/7/10 at 07:03 AM

Whatever you do mate, I am a great believer in what goes around comes around. Things always have a way of sorting themselves out.

I'm just the same as you, always honest, to the point of being called stupid for not taking a few quid where I could but at least I can sleep in the knowledge I've never diddled a soul.

I always used to get ribbed for charging people a pittance for stuff I've made, all I ever wanted was to cover my costs. But it pays off because I've had many such returns from guys on this forum who are of similar mind.

Stay honest and guilt free

Ninehigh - 7/7/10 at 07:11 AM

What he said ^^

However Karma might need a little help out, as Randy Hickey said "Karma doesn't have fists"

Nor does it have a mobile phone, with a video of the foreman on the rob, and the boss's phone number on there from an anonymous sim card, if you know what I mean.

Stott - 7/7/10 at 07:14 AM

Originally posted by iank
One word of warning, in my experience anonymous tipoffs rarely stay that way, as they are usually pretty easy to guess.

So only go that way if you can afford to lose the job and not get a decent reference. The big boss will likely also be on the take and may not take kindly to someone rocking the boat, and sometimes the foreman gets away with it because he's 'family'.

That's right, don't rock the boat. You probably won't be able to side step any of it.

Even if everyone wasn't in on it, when all the mud starts to get slung who's gonna believe that you're the only one not on the make, just because you're honest

expatkiwi - 7/7/10 at 07:36 AM

TBH you have all hit the nail on the head. The foreman has already been pulled in to the bosses office more than once to be spoken to about keeping things straight. So now he makes sure the receipts tally up with the cash yet I can see how its still being fiddled. The guy who owns the company is a thief also and will rip anyone off at any chance. I could say his name and what he does for his "hobby" on this forum and I bet a fair percentage will have heard of him.
Time to look around for something else I feel but it could be the old out of the frying pan.


franky - 7/7/10 at 07:38 AM

Just let them know..... its like bloody benefit cheats, until you tell someone its going to go on and on and wee you off more.

Wheels244 - 7/7/10 at 07:52 AM

Name and shame - but get a new job first !

oldtimer - 7/7/10 at 08:18 AM

If they are theives above you in the business you will get nowhere by shopping anyone, there sounds like enough paperwork to keep the books 'clean'. Looks like new job time - better to leave now with a reference, when the poo hits the fan the dishonest will blame everyone but themselves - and that could be you, as you said, they make sure the paperwork adds up.......

MakeEverything - 7/7/10 at 08:37 AM

I dont understand why people use the "Out of the Frying pan" phrase.

How do you know its not out of the fire?

Until you look and get interviewed, you will never know what is better out there.

I doubt that Alan Sugar used that phrase once in the same context about his business decisions. Just get all your ducks in a row and mention something before you go.

MikeR - 7/7/10 at 08:49 AM

if you know the boss is on the take as well ..... perhaps you should mention it to someone who will care....... inland revenue.

john_p_b - 7/7/10 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Humbug

john_p_b - lucky you to be able to pay off your mortgage by the age of 38! Did you get it when you were 13?

I'm 50 and I reckon I've got another 4 more years to go

right place right time on more than one occasion. my now wife bought a property a few years back with a ex then they split up and sold really at the peak of the property boom so she made quite a bit on that. i've worked 50 hours a week minimum sinse i was 20 and i like to think spent wisely then the house came up at the right price so the rest as they say is history

as for the shopping ppl in, it's a risky game, the activities of ppl here has been mentioned by 3 people in the past and not one of them lasted more than 6 months from mentioning what goes on so it goes deeper than just being a couple of ppl in on it.

like has already been mentioned what goes around comes around, i know those on the take don't lead happy lives so i just take comfort in that

Canada EH! - 7/7/10 at 01:22 PM

One of my partners on the Toronto Police took early retirement and went to work for a large company making food for the airlines.
During the first year he found the place full of thieves, wrote a large report on the activities. the response, he was dismissed.
Too much nepitism in the company.

Ninehigh - 7/7/10 at 05:34 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
if you know the boss is on the take as well ..... perhaps you should mention it to someone who will care....... inland revenue.

Sounds like a plan

expatkiwi - 8/7/10 at 09:54 PM

Update. I am currently lining up the ducks. But I had some good news today. I work on the theory that if I was stealing that much money I would stash it somewhere and use it as a pension or to fund my car addiction.
This has not been the case and now his bullshirt that he constantly speaks has risen to the surface today. He has to move out of his flat as the bank want it back from the owner. He now has no where to go and no money as such. He should have kept some for a rainy day. Unfortunatly he will have the money tomorrow and we all know where that will come from.
As soon as I get another job driving a digger in the recycled aggregates industry I will shoot my ducks