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unwanted phone calls on mobile
steve m - 18/7/12 at 06:46 PM

Hi all

Does anyone else get these annoying "ppi / pension revue bla bla " type of calls on there mobile
I was under the impression it was illegal to cold sell, (i could be very wrong!)

It does my head in getting these calls, and more so, as a night worker,i like to keep my phone on for an emergancy call, like my father who is very ill, or Daughter needs help with one of the kids,
All my family/ freinds no, that in the morning if the home no is off, the hook/ engaged for hours then 99% im in bed after a nightshift, so if its desperatly important, they will ring the mobile, and so far no one has!

Yet on a daily basis i get call from ppi claims or bla bla bla, and they are doing my head in

I presume o2 have sold my number on ??

apart from swithing my phone off, when im asleep, what else can i do ?


Ninehigh - 18/7/12 at 06:47 PM

Say "hold on a second I'll go get him"
Then put the phone down and go back to sleep

steve m - 18/7/12 at 06:53 PM

hahaha, i like that !!

still doesnt stop the bloody calls though


Ninehigh - 18/7/12 at 07:00 PM

It will when it's costing them to get nowhere

will121 - 18/7/12 at 07:59 PM

Don't know how to stop them, unless you know and can bar their number, or alternative customize a ring tone to the ones you want to acknowledge and a style that will wake you and all others to one you can ignore.

stevebubs - 18/7/12 at 09:09 PM

They are all number withheld...which some mobiles allow you to block or place into a profile..

Some fixed line operators will block witheld numbers for you..not sure on Mobile

morcus - 18/7/12 at 09:27 PM

You can set up some phones to block withheld numbers but I don't know how. My mum gets loads of these on her mobile but most of them aren't withheld numbers. As someone who works nights myself I know how annoying it can be, I had a problem with my bank keep doing this and phoning me when I was at work, but they wre easy to stop as I just went in an change the number I had registered to just my home number.

I Think my mum is on O2 aswell, so you could be right there. But I reckon will's adivice would be your best bet in the mean time so that anyone who should be phoning you has a propper ring tone and anyone else won't.

llionellis - 18/7/12 at 09:47 PM

I use this service for the land line
It has cut out 90% of cold calls. If I get an unwanted call I point out to the caller that I am on the list and not to call me again. It seems to work. The web site allows you to register a mobile number, worth a try it's free.

britishtrident - 18/7/12 at 09:56 PM

TPS only works (sometimes) with legit UK companies, the fact the numbers are witheld/unobtainable/international points to the callers being iffy so TPS blocklist will just be ignored.

sickbag - 19/7/12 at 08:36 AM

Could you set the default profile so ring tone and vibrate is off, then set a different ring for all of the numbers you do want to respond to.

I currently have one ring tone for each person I will respond to regardless of where I am or what I am doing, and another one for all other callers which I don't mind missing if I'm doing something important.

ChrisW - 19/7/12 at 08:42 AM

Most phones can have a VIP list which you can set so that only those numbers in the list make an audible ring. The rest are put on silent. No idea how you do it on a modern phone, but the old Nokias used to call it a 'VIP profile'. I've not used it for years - since I did nightshift in fact!

On getting them to go away, I always say something like 'I'm a bit busy at the moment, but if you give me your home number I'll give you a call this evening when I've got more time'. Of course, they'll make some excuse about how they can't give out their home number to which you reply 'Is that because you don't want some random person ringing you up when you're trying to do something else?'.

Some of them figure it out and hang up themselves. Others won't realise the irony so it's best to hang up yourself!


nick205 - 19/7/12 at 09:48 AM

Very annoying.

I've taken to playing the fool on the phone; get into character and wind them up!

I'm sure you can set to reject number withheld callers which would be the cheapest/simplest option.

fullpint - 20/7/12 at 06:51 PM

Im with o2 and have just started to get the text's relating to ppi claims. I pop them into my blocked list, not sure if it works though.. Touch wood NO phone calls yet....