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3 days
Jon Ison - 18/9/12 at 02:38 PM

3 days.................

Mr Whippy - 18/9/12 at 02:44 PM

nightmare, always tell someone where you are going

ReMan - 18/9/12 at 03:34 PM

Ohhh poor bugger

David Jenkins - 18/9/12 at 03:41 PM

It's a significant problem in the Cambridgeshire fens - if you fall off one of the back roads there are very deep ditches with many feet of water at the bottom. Many car drivers and bike riders have died in them...

It's not until you drive along one of those back roads that you realise just how scary those ditches are...

Anyway - I'm glad he was found, but it doesn't sound like he's in good shape at the moment - hope he recovers OK.

dhutch - 18/9/12 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I'm glad he was found, hope he recovers OK.

Echo this really. Cant have been a good three days for him or his family.

Could they not locate his phone, maybe they could but not accuratly. GPS phone app?


big_wasa - 18/9/12 at 04:31 PM

The poor lad that worked with my wife wasnt so lucky Link

Confused but excited. - 18/9/12 at 08:33 PM

Mate of mine went through a hedge on his bike (still doesn't remember what happened) one afternoon. He was lying trapped under his bike unconcious. He was found when a passing motorist noticed his tail light in the field that night. The exhaust had burned through his boot and down to the bone of his leg.

bobthebuilder - 18/9/12 at 09:04 PM

i know that feeling,thats why i always went out with a friend .
i came off and both me and bike were inbedded in a 10ft wide hedge.
it took my mate over 1/2hour to find me,it was on his 5th pass at 5mph when he spotted the headlamp in the sun.

i hope he makes a full recovery

Simon - 18/9/12 at 10:57 PM

Originally posted by dhutch
Could they not locate his phone, maybe they could but not accuratly. GPS phone app?

If I'm going out cycling (mtb, so could be way off beaten track) I use Sportstrack Pro (other similar things available) which can upload a realtime live feed straight onto internet (overlays google maps to within a few feet) which wife can see at all times.

Hope motorcyclist makes full and speedy recovery.



rusty nuts - 19/9/12 at 09:49 PM

A few years ago a nurse from Adenbrookes hospital went missing, about a week later she was found in her car having gone off the A10 at Waterbeach , through a hedge and into a lake . Only a few feet from a very busy road