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Anyone think it's a bit ironic / Friday rant
BenB - 10/5/13 at 12:27 PM

The US Government recently voted against increased background checks on people wanting to buy guns.

They then wrote to Defence Distributed saying they weren't allowed to distribute an electronic design for a gun because it might result in guns getting into the wrong hands.

WTF? So a Cad design for a gun is dangerous whereas allowing people to buy guns second hand without any background check is tickety boo.


TheOnion got this one spot on IMHO Onion Article

[Edited on 10/5/13 by BenB]

JoelP - 10/5/13 at 01:03 PM

Yeah, it's a load of Bollocks. The nra needs crushing just like militant unions in the UK needed crushing.

Litemoth - 10/5/13 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
Yeah, it's a load of Bollocks. The nra needs crushing just like militant unions in the UK needed crushing.

What militant unions? what about advantage-taking employers and self-serving governments?

Slimy38 - 10/5/13 at 01:24 PM

I don't fully understand it either. The 3d printers are a few thousand dollars, the gun requires a fairly high quality printer to get the accuracy. The associated consumables aren't cheap and at the end of it you've got a big white brick that is difficult to conceal and only fires one bullet at a time.

Or you can go into the nearest deli and order a club sandwich with a revolver on the side...

Being able to 'print' a gun in the UK is probably more of a concern, but I'm sure even here you wouldn't need to pay thousands of pounds to buy a gun if you really wanted to. And even if you had a 3d printer to hand, you'd still need to source the bullets from somewhere.

A printed gun is an interesting concept, but there are easier ways to get armed.

[Edited on 10/5/13 by Slimy38]

twybrow - 10/5/13 at 02:19 PM

I think the US government is less concerned that you can make a gun, and more worried that the gun is undetectable. They have laws in place about manufacture of weapons that are not detectable, and this gun would fall into this category. Every part, apart from the firing pin, is plastic, and hence undetectable...

BenB - 10/5/13 at 02:21 PM

Yes because those metal detectors in schools have really worked well at preventing mass shootings.....

EX01 - 10/5/13 at 02:38 PM

Big white brick that fires one bullet today, tomorrow a death ray that atomises the planet. Ok a bit of a leap there but you get the idea? Won’t be long before this evolves and any spotty teenage with a problem can print off and go shoot up his local school.

I would be more interested in a print out of a functional gentleman’s personal toy or how about printing out a new Lotus 7 Chassis? Broken wishbone? Just a few minutes I’ll print another one off for you?

snapper - 10/5/13 at 02:38 PM


The nra needs crushing just like militant unions in the UK needed crushing

And who are these militants that need crushing
When we have done this shall we start on human rights and free speech
Shall we replace fascist targets with Trade unionists and destroy them because we don't like the colour of their politics

And what RIGHTs do you hold dear or do you think your rights are ok but others are not

HappyFather - 10/5/13 at 03:38 PM

Who needs a 3D printer when you have a Haynes style book?

The cover...

MakeEverything - 10/5/13 at 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Litemoth
Originally posted by JoelP
Yeah, it's a load of Bollocks. The nra needs crushing just like militant unions in the UK needed crushing.

what about advantage-taking employers and self-serving governments?

isnt that called a REVOLUTION!!!?

tilly819 - 10/5/13 at 04:45 PM

Where is my pop corn, this is shaping up to be a good one!!


Simon - 10/5/13 at 05:16 PM

Why bother with a gun, when you can do a (sort of) proper wmd:

Just in case you get any ideas - this is his face:

Building a single shot gun is easy, it's the ammo that's difficult. Crossbow might be easier, spesh if you've got an old leaf spring lying around!



morcus - 10/5/13 at 10:59 PM

The real problem comes when the 3d Printer starts printing out more 3d printers...

Slimy38 - 11/5/13 at 08:08 AM

Originally posted by morcus
The real problem comes when the 3d Printer starts printing out more 3d printers...

That already happens. If you look at the diy printers, they are able to recreate their own parts for everything except the electronics...

Ninehigh - 11/5/13 at 08:54 PM

Originally posted by EX01
Big white brick that fires one bullet today, tomorrow a death ray that atomises the planet. Ok a bit of a leap there but you get the idea? Won’t be long before this evolves and any spotty teenage with a problem can print off and go shoot up his local school.

I would be more interested in a print out of a functional gentleman’s personal toy or how about printing out a new Lotus 7 Chassis? Broken wishbone? Just a few minutes I’ll print another one off for you?

Iirc they exist, Jay Leno has one (or has had extensive use of one) in restoring the older cars in his collection. Also iirc you don't even need an intact original part to scan

David Jenkins - 12/5/13 at 09:33 AM

Here's a review of the 'Liberator' printed gun - without all of the hype!

The plastic gun

Strontium Dog - 12/5/13 at 10:53 AM


When we have done this shall we start on human rights and free speech

What do you mean "start"? We're already well on our way with this one!

[Edited on 12/5/13 by Strontium Dog]

JoelP - 12/5/13 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Litemoth
Originally posted by JoelP
Yeah, it's a load of Bollocks. The nra needs crushing just like militant unions in the UK needed crushing.

What militant unions? what about advantage-taking employers and self-serving governments?

You missed the needED crushing, making it a reference to overreaching unions of old. Unions are essential to balance workers rights against big employers. When they are taking the demands of a subset of the population and undermining a democratically elected government, then they have gone too far. The analogy to the NRA comes from the fact that as a lobby group, the NRA has far more influence than it should, when its demands are balanced against polls of general public opinion.

JoelP - 12/5/13 at 11:08 AM

Originally posted by snapper

The nra needs crushing just like militant unions in the UK needed crushing

And who are these militants that need crushing
When we have done this shall we start on human rights and free speech
Shall we replace fascist targets with Trade unionists and destroy them because we don't like the colour of their politics

And what RIGHTs do you hold dear or do you think your rights are ok but others are not

Lets have that in English if you want a reply.

Peteff - 12/5/13 at 03:05 PM

I think we should leave American politics to Americans and as for crushing the Unions look where that's got us, industry free. UK is now dependant on the banking sector and we keep having to bail them out from taxes while they continue to pat each other on the back and pay themselves big bonuses. Without the Unions you would still be working for tokens you can only spend in the truck shop and you would "owe your soul to the company store"

MikeRJ - 12/5/13 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
I think we should leave American politics to Americans and as for crushing the Unions look where that's got us, industry free.

Whereas the militant unions got us what? A nation on strike most of the time.

Peteff - 12/5/13 at 05:55 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJWhereas the militant unions got us what? A nation on strike most of the time.

Holidays, 40 hour or less working week, paid overtime plus a lot of other benefits we all take for granted now. What did your dad do for a living ?

NS Dev - 12/5/13 at 06:37 PM

40 hour week makes me laugh!!

NONE of my close friends work less than 50 hours.

I think I've had a relaxing week if I do less than 70 hours

Less than 40 and I'd have gone bust!

David Jenkins - 12/5/13 at 09:22 PM

Getting back to the point of the original post...

...the knee-jerk reactions have started, no matter how moronic it seems!

Proposed 3D printer ban?

One prat publishes a rubbish design for a barely-functioning pistol, and this senator wants to ban something used by geeks and kids' maker clubs all around the world.

Litemoth - 12/5/13 at 09:59 PM

Citizen Smith...Power to the people!

...without guns obviously.