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fuel depot goes up
theconrodkid - 11/12/05 at 08:01 AM

woke me up and i,m 30 odd miles away,hope not too many hurt or dead but dosnt look good

Cita - 11/12/05 at 08:08 AM


Many years ago a chemical plant in the harbour of Antwerp blew up and being only 10 miles away from it,the cup's and glasses shacked like a train passed by!

Luckely most of the times there are very few people needed to keep such factory's going so let's hope that there are not too many casualty's!!

Cheers Cita

Messenjah - 11/12/05 at 08:13 AM

woke me up aswell about 6 its really not far from me and if i look out of my window it looks like theres a big black mountain but its not its the smoke !

it shoook all the doors and windows

scotty g - 11/12/05 at 08:20 AM

It woke my wife and i up and we live in Folkestone Kent!!!!!!!!
I'm not shi**ing you guys.

Russ-Turner - 11/12/05 at 08:30 AM

There's no way of scaling it on the telly. Looks bleak though peeps!

scotty g - 11/12/05 at 08:42 AM

Casualties would appear to be quite low which would be amazing considering the size of it.
Lets hope so.

wilkingj - 11/12/05 at 09:05 AM

Its hemel hempsted, and heard in Norfolk!..

I hever heard a thing.. 40 miles away in Cambridge..


[Edited on 11/12/2005 by wilkingj]

wilkingj - 11/12/05 at 09:07 AM

You know this will spark a fuel price rise

chris.russell - 11/12/05 at 09:57 AM

I was having a drink in my work shops at work when the lights, windows and the overhead crane all moved! and I'm in Didcot! though it was something out on the plant tripping until I turned the telly on to hear the news.

zzrpowerd-locost - 11/12/05 at 10:24 AM

Originally posted by wilkingj
Its hemel hempsted, and heard in Norfolk!..

I hever heard a thing.. 40 miles away in Cambridge..


[Edited on 11/12/2005 by wilkingj]

Hope noone is badly hurt!

On a lighter note, read some of the eyewitness coments at the bottom of the story!


Rek - 11/12/05 at 10:32 AM

Im glad this post was here. I live near Reading and I heard it at 6:03 (Insomniac!) when I told the missus Id heard it she said I was bonkers....

phelpsa - 11/12/05 at 10:52 AM

6:04 we heard it here in Great Shefford, Berks!

My dads now on the phone trying to gather up a recovery team as 3 mobile have a few buildings next to the oil depot which have been damaged and evacuated. Manic in this house now!


Peteff - 11/12/05 at 11:04 AM

More than there should be but could have been a lot worse.

CommanderAce - 11/12/05 at 11:20 AM

Bloody terrible but it does look quite cool!

According to Sky News there was 16 million litres of fuel on site when it went up

[Edited on 11-12-05 by CommanderAce]

lsdweb - 11/12/05 at 12:14 PM

I work for the fire service and I'm sure some of my colleagues are going through hell there. I've just got into the office after dealing with a multi vehicle pile up on the motorway - another normal day!!!


ChrisGamlin - 11/12/05 at 01:18 PM

Can now see what appears to be the smoke cloud on the horizon here in North Hants near Bordon, about 7 miles south of Farnham!

ned - 11/12/05 at 01:34 PM

does it look a bit olike this chris?
i'm in guildford, must be 40 miles away:


theconrodkid - 11/12/05 at 02:31 PM

there is a weird looking cloud over me near heathrow,smells a bit oily as well

ChrisGamlin - 11/12/05 at 03:08 PM

Ned, I think a lot o the dark "cloud" nearer you in the pic is also from the fire. Just taken these outside about 5 mins ago, it appears to be slightly over to the west of us towards Alton way etc, heading down the A31 towards Winchester if you like.

This is looking roughly North / North West from our back garden

Hemel smoke cloud 1
Hemel smoke cloud 1

Hemel smoke cloud 2
Hemel smoke cloud 2

[Edited on 11/12/05 by ChrisGamlin]

greggors84 - 11/12/05 at 03:53 PM

My dad just popped over and told me about it, was the first thing I heard about it. He said that it woke them up and he thought it was something in the house. When he got up the loft door had been blown open.

We live within 10 miles of the depot, but luckily the smoke is going the other way.

jon_boy - 11/12/05 at 05:55 PM

I live about ten miles away if that in StAlbans. Has been a abit dark all day, the air smelt odd and more people than usual had tight chests playing football. Although we had have a team do last night. There was ash falling out of the air today though. I was half comatose through drink and only been asleep for about an hour and it scared the poop out of me. Seriously sounded like something big fell through our roof!!

Jon Ison - 11/12/05 at 06:09 PM

let the panic buying of fuel begin.

macspeedy - 11/12/05 at 06:14 PM

big bada boom my brother has just flown home said it looked like a big bonfire

macspeedy - 11/12/05 at 06:39 PM

Rescued attachment _41109474_hugesmokeafp.jpg
Rescued attachment _41109474_hugesmokeafp.jpg

CommanderAce - 11/12/05 at 09:34 PM

It was the Quo!

Image stolen from b3ta

Browser - 11/12/05 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by chris.russell
I was having a drink in my work shops at work when the lights, windows and the overhead crane all moved! and I'm in Didcot! though it was something out on the plant tripping until I turned the telly on to hear the news.

With your Siemens GTs mate, I wouldn't be at all suprised Shoulda got GE frame 9E's mate, they're old but they're good

steve_gus - 12/12/05 at 01:09 PM

well, i didnt hear it, but i was at chester on a weekend break

Drive past there every three weeks - glad this wasnt a weekend to visit the parents!

Im wondering how many people DID actually hear it from very far off - someone said on a tv interview that it sounded like a door slamming 100 odd miles away... just might have been a door slamming! I read reports on the BBC that it was heard on the continent.

thing is, sound travels at 600 odd miles an hour. An explosion at 6.03 would have been heard 15-20 mins or so later on the continent and someone fifty miles away would have heard it about 5 mins later...



[Edited on 12/12/05 by steve_gus]

r3nuf - 12/12/05 at 04:57 PM

My company has just completed a demolition contract there (last week), for Texaco.

Bet they wish they hadn't paid us all that money now!

Glad we had finished and demobilised, cos they normally blame us demolition contractors for everything.

We did remove quite a bit of asbestos prior to demolition though, so i am glad that has gone, and there is a little less in the atmosphere.



theconrodkid - 13/12/05 at 06:22 PM

at last its out,big cheer for the firemen that did it,biggest fire in europe since ww2.
my company is trying to get a contract checking the polution aspect of the site,that will be fun,up to my knees in oily sludge and not being able to have a cig all day

Fozzie - 13/12/05 at 07:03 PM

Brilliant news that it has finaly been put out!
Although the cr*p in the skies is still overhead (here anyway)...


donut - 13/12/05 at 07:13 PM

Apparently it's not that harmfull, unless your very young, old or asthmatic................... or if you smoke

I think they're more worried about the foam in the water supply. Anyhoo good news it's out.

Fozzie - 13/12/05 at 07:40 PM

Currently suffering from brochitis at the mo, Andy....been on the medication for nearly a week...soon be finished!

Simon - 13/12/05 at 08:28 PM

So the government wants us all to drive economical (low co2 emitting) vehicles!!!

I reckon that single pop has done more environmental damage in a couple of days than the UK car pop will in a couple of years.



[Edited on 13/12/05 by Simon]

JoelP - 13/12/05 at 08:30 PM

60 odd million litres of fuel and a mountain of plastics etc... in reality, cars and planes in the UK probably use that much every week or two

Mark Allanson - 13/12/05 at 10:02 PM

I heard a quote the other day,

A jumbo jet uses more fuel from standing still on the runway to being 10' off the runway, than any driver will use in their entire lifetime, I didnt believe it until I started working it out

JoelP - 13/12/05 at 10:41 PM

thats why i try to avoid foreign holidays mark, not because im scared of flying