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Mp3's probs again
quattromike - 17/3/06 at 08:04 PM

Ok I've got my new sony walkman mp3 player and in the box you get the sony connect cd, which I loaded up and installed on my PC and did an update of the software on the net, Then scaned the computer for tracks. Here's where the problem is. I've got nearly 3 thousand tracks on windows media player which I use to listen to tracks and burn cds. But sony connect only finds 8 hundred odd. of which are a load of cr*p like the noises that windows makes when it starts up or the sound it makes when you do some thing wrong..
So how do I get all my fav music on to my mp3 player without having to rip all my cd's back into my computer on sony connect? is there another way to import the albums that might work better , I've tried a few different way and it just comes up importing failed!


flak monkey - 17/3/06 at 08:08 PM

Are you telling it to search on the right drives (if you have a partitioned hard drive)?

My sony mp3 player works on Sonic Stage software which you can download free from the sony site:

Click File, import, then point it to the folder containing the files you want to import.

Should be fine for all MP3 and WMA files.


donut - 17/3/06 at 08:11 PM

Can you not do it manually? There must be an option to select the MP3's yourself and copy them to the player. Also are all your music MP3's in the same folder? It helps you find stuff easier if it is.

I have iTunes which is great for uploading to my iPod and it's totally stress free as all the trackes are listed in iTunes.

flak monkey - 17/3/06 at 08:19 PM

Sony players dont play in mp3 format from the player... they convert the files. Its an anti piracy thing apparently.

[Edited on 17/3/06 by flak monkey]

quattromike - 17/3/06 at 08:28 PM

just to add the tracks i would like to import are not mp3s they are wma format I think , will the sony software convert it automaticly?


flak monkey - 17/3/06 at 08:37 PM

yes, well mine does anyway...

quattromike - 17/3/06 at 08:44 PM

surely I don't have to import each album 1 at a time that'll take days, I must be missing some thing!
Is there mabey some protection on windows media player that you can't copy or even import files?


flak monkey - 17/3/06 at 08:54 PM

It took a couple of hours to do mine. You just select all the albums at once and go away and do something else while it works away...

Some wma files are copy protected. If when you ripped them you enabled copy protection you might well be stuck!

quattromike - 17/3/06 at 08:56 PM

When it runs throught the files to import it flashes very quickly, in brackets, ( unsuported, secure format)
