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This book I'm looking for
quattromike - 13/6/06 at 06:40 AM

Hi all I'm back after being working away for the last 7 weeks, Did anyone notice?

Anyway what it is my oldmans birthday is comin up and a few guys at work sugested a book I should buy for him, But , I can't remember what it's called! It's chicken something or somthing chicken, It's about a guy who was a helicopter piolt in I think the vietnam war and is the story he was telling about his experiences. Does anyone remember it or coment on it?
Cheers Mike

gregf27 - 13/6/06 at 06:57 AM

Its called chicken hawk i think, cant remember the authors name,
excellent book though!!

Hellfire - 13/6/06 at 07:04 AM

Chicken Hawk - Robert Mason


britishtrident - 13/6/06 at 08:14 AM

Great book ---- the bit I remember is how they used to trim the trees to make clearings using the Hueys rotor blades as a giant strimmer :-)

quattromike - 13/6/06 at 08:54 AM

yep that sounds like the book I'm looking for cheers
how could I not remember that!
