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I really need a new job!
nick205 - 27/10/06 at 11:13 AM


I really feckin' have had enough of working hard for a sh1te company

You try your best to build good relationships with customers and give them a decent level of service and support, you even meet some interesting and good people as a result. However the company behind you seems to do it's absolute best to totally feck it up at every single opportunity.

We're supposedly ISO9000 accredited. When asked if we get customer complaints our MD will happily say "ohn not not us, we just don't get them". BuIIsh1T - nearly every customer complains about late and incomplete delivery. The reason we don't have any customer complaints is because we're not allowed to log them in any way and be measured on them

We publish monthly KPIs which show we have an on time delivery record of 97% - the real figure is 39% and no one will admit to it.

The "management team" as they refer to themselves are all in their mid 50's (not a problem being that age) and have been there 20+ years and basically cruising towards retirement. They have no will or desire to pro-actively change and improve the company and seem totally oblivious to the real world and what customers expect.


So....if anyone needs a very hard working and dedicated technical sales manager for electronic or electro-mechanical products or services please let me know.....CV available Monday

TimC - 27/10/06 at 11:29 AM

Trust me, you're not alone!


Jubal - 27/10/06 at 11:34 AM

Don't bleat, do something! I just resigned to set up my own IT business. No-one to blame but myself from here on in. Eeeek

nick205 - 27/10/06 at 11:44 AM

Originally posted by TimC
Trust me, you're not alone!


Unfortunately I realise that's true

nick205 - 27/10/06 at 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Jubal
Don't bleat, do something! I just resigned to set up my own IT business. No-one to blame but myself from here on in. Eeeek

need someone to help you market and sell your services?

mistergrumpy - 27/10/06 at 01:17 PM

Wow this sounds so much like the British Forces. Jack it in mate. I did in July against everything that was sensible. Retirement at 42, a good wage and.. well.. can't think of much else but a lot happier now. A lot poorer but soon resolve that when I start work in 3 weeks. Good luck with it.

Johnmor - 27/10/06 at 01:27 PM

I sympathise, try working an the public sector when the goverment want to "modernise" , every thing is about targets and the truth goes out the window.

Look around, and when the times right jump ship, and take all the knowledge you can with you.

Moorron - 27/10/06 at 02:32 PM

not just me pulling my hair out then. At my place the 2 who inherited the place couldnt tie there shoes. Yet at every corner blame others for not doing things right......they are doing that to get out of the sh:t their 'planning' got them into.

To a degree its changing the way i have always looked at life. Which was improvement, the truth (u cant fix a problem if u dont air it) and self judgement. Now with work and all i see out the window im turning to 'selfishness, greed and avoiding hassle'.

Im leaving if my missuses new job actually works (going self imployed, shes an hair dresser). Im not putting anymore effort into something that just ignores it, then blames me for it.

mistergrumpy - 27/10/06 at 02:44 PM

^I think its your own fault^ for actually caring about work and having a bit of pride in what you do A sad state of affairs when it gets like this ain't it. Refers me to the earlier posting of farewell common sense.

Confused but excited. - 27/10/06 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Jubal
Don't bleat, do something! I just resigned to set up my own IT business. No-one to blame but myself from here on in. Eeeek


pathfinder - 27/10/06 at 06:03 PM

Yup England has lost the plot totally, they want the youth to be educated, the employers want you to work for nothing and the cost of living keeps rising! First chance I get I’m getting out!

Work to live, don’t live to work!

spunky - 27/10/06 at 06:38 PM

Hey Nick, you just described my EX employer perfectly. If you haven't got too many years invested in the place then get the hell out. The reason I say that is, I was at british sugar nearly 20 years, 10 of them were sh!t but I couldn't jack because of the potential redundancy package.
As a poster said, working in that enviroment begins to effect you outside work, it's just not worth it.
Having said that moving on to another company, is no garantee to be any better. Unfortunately everwhere seems to operate similar now.
I was lucky. the redundancy came, and i've spent 6 months partying and travelling, now summers over I'll get myself a job

All the best

SixedUp - 27/10/06 at 06:47 PM

Crickey. This thread makes me see my employer in a whole new light. Our management do actually care, especially about our customers, and although I'm sure I can find stuff to grumble about, they generally treat the employees well, and try to do the right thing by us, even when it makes life difficult for them.
Just wish they paid me more ... but that's the same everywhere, right?

[Edited on 27/10/06 by SixedUp]

Catpuss - 27/10/06 at 07:08 PM

Originally posted by nick205

We publish monthly KPIs which show we have an on time delivery record of 97% - the real figure is 39% and no one will admit to it.

As I said shortly before I handed by notice in a few weeks back :

"There are lies, dam lies and KPIs"

When the focus becomes achieving KPIs and not customer satisfaction something has gone horribly wrong.

Peteff - 27/10/06 at 07:40 PM

I don't work so I don't care I don't set my targets too high, that way I'm never too disappointed.

locoboy - 27/10/06 at 08:46 PM

How do you manage to pass your ISO audits if no records are kept?

have set up and put into practice 2 ISO Quality Management Systems over the last 5 yers in 2 differnt companies and have managed to survive all 5 annual quality audits (grillings!) with not even a minor non-conformance to my name.

believe me you need to show records for EVERYTHING!

I guess someone must be wasting time making up fake records rather than spending time conforming to the procedures that should safegard against all the customer complaints

Simon - 27/10/06 at 11:09 PM

Wifey was involved in ISO9001 for a previous employer, and described it as meaning so long as you can make the same mistake continuously, you'll be fine



nick205 - 28/10/06 at 10:56 AM

It's not just me then

I'm considering new career options at the moment which include Tree Surgeon and

Catpuss - 28/10/06 at 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Simon
Wifey was involved in ISO9001 for a previous employer, and described it as meaning so long as you can make the same mistake continuously, you'll be fine



Wasn't it something like:
9003 - You have a procedure
9002 - You wrote it down
9001 - You bullshit that you know what it is

Peteff - 28/10/06 at 12:05 PM

ISO approval is like a very expensive chain letter. If the job gets done and the end result is good I would rather deal with someone who knows what they are doing than someone who has a certificate.

Russ-Turner - 28/10/06 at 02:29 PM

Originally posted by nick205
It's not just me then

I'm considering new career options at the moment which include Tree Surgeon and

Go for the plumber mate! My mate works on average three days a week for himself and is laughing his balls off. Did have to pay for his Corgi registry and all that though. He's loving it.

Jubal - 29/10/06 at 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
Originally posted by Jubal
Don't bleat, do something! I just resigned to set up my own IT business. No-one to blame but myself from here on in. Eeeek


Cheers for that! All such best wishes (and any sales leads) gratefully accepted. Top quality managed voice/IT services for small/medium businesses is the game.

Lawnmower - 29/10/06 at 10:47 PM

Originally posted by nick205

I really feckin' have had enough of working hard for a sh1te company

You try your best to build good relationships with customers and give them a decent level of service and support, you even meet some interesting and good people as a result. However the company behind you seems to do it's absolute best to totally feck it up at every single opportunity.

We're supposedly ISO9000 accredited. When asked if we get customer complaints our MD will happily say "ohn not not us, we just don't get them". BuIIsh1T - nearly every customer complains about late and incomplete delivery. The reason we don't have any customer complaints is because we're not allowed to log them in any way and be measured on them

We publish monthly KPIs which show we have an on time delivery record of 97% - the real figure is 39% and no one will admit to it.

The "management team" as they refer to themselves are all in their mid 50's (not a problem being that age) and have been there 20+ years and basically cruising towards retirement. They have no will or desire to pro-actively change and improve the company and seem totally oblivious to the real world and what customers expect.


So....if anyone needs a very hard working and dedicated technical sales manager for electronic or electro-mechanical products or services please let me know.....CV available Monday

You must be my long lost siamese twin, living a parallel life!

As for ISO crap, the independant audits are done independantly, by someone who doesn't know what the firm does, or why or how they do what they do (or dont do). All the audit is interested in is that any forms are filled in properly, under the premise of having a paper trail, so that if somthing goes wrong, the customer is not happy, or there are quality issues, then they can be identified so remedial action can be taken. remedial action been prompted by a non-compliance form. How many customers have told me they are not happy with aspects work, a few. How many 'non compliance/corrective action forms' have I even seen-NONE.

Ever tried asking for a new form o be created (me been the professional so actually having to do the work, deal with customers and knowing how the job works). Bosses not interested, as have enough forms already (but their crap) which are already perfect. Updating working practice to take into account the iso feedback... that would need a proactivce boss.

As long as they pay lip service to iso, then it all looks fine.

(well have just had a week off, and am back at work tomorrow, can you tell?)

JackNco - 31/10/06 at 03:24 AM

Originally posted by Jubal
Don't bleat, do something! I just resigned to set up my own IT business. No-one to blame but myself from here on in. Eeeek

Oh ya what u doing then, may be pestering you for a job in a couple of years

Jubal - 31/10/06 at 08:56 PM

Originally posted by JackNco
Oh ya what u doing then, may be pestering you for a job in a couple of years

See above

JackNco - 31/10/06 at 08:59 PM

ah cool, well good luck from me 2. networks n databases will be my game (hopefuly)
