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7.5ton lorry What do you need?
quattromike - 8/9/07 at 10:04 PM

Hi every one was thinking of upgrading our 3.5t transit dropside pickup to an atego 7.5t dropside lorry I know ther is more to deal with, with operators licence an tacho but what's the real requirements I would need to run one in a buisness?

phelpsa - 8/9/07 at 10:53 PM

A bigger parking space?


omega 24 v6 - 8/9/07 at 11:57 PM

Well firstly be aware that many of your AHEM younger employees won't have the grandfathers rights type licence that many of us older types have. Second the licence etc will be dearer as well as the running costs. It'll need to be MOT at a hgv station. An operators licence and I think an application for licence from the local council stating where it will be kept/operated from. Tacho discs need to be kept up to date by all drivers and it'll need to be enforced by the tansport manager who will ultimately be responsible when the comissioners come round to check. Having said all that I'm no expert and no doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong (usually the wife's job).
Where have you been hiding mate ain't seen/heard you on here for a while.

quattromike - 9/9/07 at 09:16 AM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6

Where have you been hiding mate ain't seen/heard you on here for a while.

Yep I've been off round Austrailia for a year but now I'm back to the grind of daily life in sunnie Scotland.
Been trying to get back into my build which I left half done so I'm on here again getting in the mood.

You can new transits with 14ft dropside, which we've had on our last 2 but now looking at the advantages/disadvantages of a bigger 20ft dropside. we would defo use the length coz I'm sure we've broke the law a few times with our old one transporting some jobs with size and weight but is it worth the extra hassle of having to get it serviced every 12wks(I'm told you need to keep 12wk service history) and other stuff, but at the same time it's easier at the moment to buy a year or 2 old 7t lorry than a 3.5t pickup for some reason plus the lorry would last longer . we don't use it every day but the day's we do it'd be bloody handy!