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are these fake or what?
locoboy - 11/2/08 at 10:18 AM

Im looking for a new rugby shirt and these caught my eye.


Always been suspicious of clothing coming from far east, i know most of the legit stuff is made there too but what do you recon to these?

BTW no pi$$ taking about the team!

[Edited on 11/2/08 by locoboy]

Miks15 - 11/2/08 at 10:23 AM

it does say in the description its only a replica
and patersons a legend so i wont say anything bout the team

locoboy - 11/2/08 at 10:35 AM

but surely all shirts you buy in local sports stores are replicas of the real thing..............

locoboy - 11/2/08 at 10:36 AM

I guess i want to know if it is a 'canterbury' shirt or more of a 'cantewbawe' shirt

Miks15 - 11/2/08 at 10:51 AM

i doubt very much at that price it is actually canterbury but you never know
Plus i would think it would be listed as a genuine replica mabye instead of "high quality replica" suggests to me its not actually canterbury

Humbug - 11/2/08 at 11:56 AM

99.9% sure it's not genuine... why would someone in Malaysia just happen to have loads of genuine rugby shirts for sale?

Having said that, I remember on honeymoon in Malaysia buying a few "Lacoste" polo shirts off a stall that were excellent quality and lasted for years.

MKMike - 11/2/08 at 02:31 PM

I bought an Ireland shirt from that seller last year and it was a fake!

quattromike - 11/2/08 at 10:44 PM

I was in Canterbury in the south island of New-Zealand in Christchurch last year an you'll find if you go to the oficial Canterbury shop even the tops in there have a little label stitched in to them sayin MADE IN CHINA!
I couldn't belive it myself I felt like I was frauded, went all that way to get a good top and it's not even made there!
That'd be like going to Scotland for whiskey and finding out it's made in england!!!! Oh some of it is lol

locoboy - 12/2/08 at 02:22 PM

Originally posted by MKMike
I bought an Ireland shirt from that seller last year and it was a fake!

But was the quality any good?