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02GF74 - 16/4/08 at 02:50 PM

more funding for this money pinching government

surely this infringes human rights as it takes away ones right to commit crime?

speedyxjs - 16/4/08 at 02:53 PM

mookaloid - 16/4/08 at 02:56 PM


Mr Whippy - 16/4/08 at 03:00 PM

say hello to your new car...

nick205 - 16/4/08 at 03:01 PM

what worries me more is where the government would get the vast sum of money it would take to implement such a system. We must be talking literally billions of £££££s to create the infrstructure and operational resource.

Who do you think would foot the bill for this?

That's right - you and me

aerosam - 16/4/08 at 03:02 PM

forget this stupid country I'm moving abroad.

Puk - 16/4/08 at 03:09 PM

This is just going to temp folk to use false number plates. Of course law abiding types won't - so there the ones that will finance the whole plot.

It'll get like Ireland where so few people had car insurance that even otherwise law abiding folk began to loose the incentive to get some - as there was no one to claim against.

balidey - 16/4/08 at 03:18 PM

I'm curious as to how 'cloned' cars would work on this system. I've always wanted to get two similar cars with the same number plate, drive through some SPECS cameras while your mate drives through another set a few seconds later. Speeding ticket would show average speed of several hundred miles per hour.

vinny1275 - 16/4/08 at 03:21 PM

Spot on Puk - the government doesn't seem to twig that criminals don't mind breaking the law - anyone who really wants to speed will just nick number plates and speed wherever they want, safe in the knowledge that there are no police on the roads, all having been assigned instead to "anti terror" operations. Speeding is probably safe from being added to the terror legislation, unlike pretty much everything else, because they want to lock up the terror suspects, which costs money, whereas motorists are just there to be hung upside-down until all the loose change has fallen out......

It's like when they banned handguns because 1 person who legally owned some went on the rampage. They completely missed the fact that the criminals who didnt' already hold theirs legally would carry on breaking the law and keep them - and gun crime is going up.

If I were running for parliament, I'd propose getting rid of the scameras and the talivan, and replacing all 8000 of them with traffic police, whose priority is dangerous driving, not speeding.

Paul TigerB6 - 16/4/08 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by aerosam
forget this stupid country I'm moving abroad.

I'm already planning on moving to New Zealand in a couple of years if i can. Vote the ba$t&rds out next election i say!!! even more

Mr Whippy - 16/4/08 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by aerosam
forget this stupid country I'm moving abroad.

same here moving to France where they drive dangerously

I think this Guy had the right idea

Benzine - 16/4/08 at 04:04 PM

and this one


blakep82 - 16/4/08 at 04:06 PM

i always give these average speed cameras the finger whenever i drive under them. don't know if anyone will ever see them, but i do it anyway. think we all should

carpmart - 16/4/08 at 04:18 PM

Not good!

This administration is very out of touch with what the average person thinks.

Lost all interest in this country now. Seriously looking at how I can go self employed (opt out of PAYE by setting myself up as a company) get my employer to pay me gross via me submitting an invoice once per month and vote with my pounds. I am sure with a good 'creative' accountant I can halve the amount of money I pay in tax.

Now that will make me feel a whole lot better.

ditchlewis - 16/4/08 at 04:26 PM

taxed going to and from work
taxed for working to earn the money to pay
taxed when i spend the money
taxed for using the roads
NOW JUST TAXED out of this country i'm off


RK - 16/4/08 at 04:27 PM

They've had them in Canada for years. They tend to send tickets out to a lot of peole who didn't actually drive that day, and neither did their car leave the driveway - my sister had a big hassle getting out of a ticket one day because of such an error.

AND it didn't actually make any money for the government after all the mistakes were accounted for (British Columbia).

If you get caught by one, CHALLENGE it in court if necessary!!! It assumes guilt before you have had your day in court, which is not exactly kosher. The government will see that it doesn't pay and perhaps change their minds. Do some research and send it to your MP!!!

If you are looking for a country to live in, I recommend Belgium or Luxembourg. Not cheap in Lux but has GREAT roads. English is widely spoken, as is French, German and of course, Luxembourgeois. Canada is fine, but good luck getting past the immigration people - there are LONG waits.

turbodisplay - 16/4/08 at 04:32 PM

I thought of a idea. Why doesn`t everyone have a no numberplate protest day as mentioned by captain gatso, except the plates are removed by a "neighbour". If you were to get pulled you can say some git removed it not you. Over night the same "nei ghbour" will refit it.


blakep82 - 16/4/08 at 04:34 PM

^ maybe we should all just ditch number plates for good. at least the ones on the front.

smart51 - 16/4/08 at 04:51 PM

Of course, if you don't break the law, average speed camera's shouldn't worry you

The advantage is that you don't get muppets standing on their brakes when approaching static speed cameras, nor do they drive through at 28 MPH in a 40 zone.

Another advantage is that if you're stuck behind someone doing 40 on a national speed limit B road, you can briefly hit 70 doing a safe overtake and then carry on at the speed limit and your average speed won't worry the cameras.

rf900rush - 16/4/08 at 05:05 PM

It now seems technology Sucks!

We all now post our complainst for every one to read, whilst the greedy t@ssers running our country just don't care.

We should all remember Thatcher and the poll tax protests.

If just 100 people parked on our major motor ways (especially heathrow area) for a couple of days protesting I am sure the measage would sink in.

Yes extreem measures, but how long can the people be treated this bad.

And next elections. What a choice

turbodisplay - 16/4/08 at 05:08 PM

If you were to block all the main arteries into london as a protest you would probally be done as a terrorist.


rf900rush - 16/4/08 at 05:14 PM

Yes I guess you are right there.

Now we need a top ten countries to goto.

Or better still, a locost alternative.

Lets all have a wip round and buy Zimbabwe and have a locost rule system.

tegwin - 16/4/08 at 05:28 PM

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.....who gets to decide whom is who though?

This is getting silly....It seems every freedom is being removed and comon sence banned...

I know that this would not be a problem atall if no one ventured above the speed limit, but its the principle of the thing!

If there is no risk/reward strructure to life, and simply a "path to follow", WHAT THE F*CK IS THE POINT!!!!!!!!

charlierevell - 16/4/08 at 05:36 PM

Cant even use a tax get around anymore!

You cant go self employed if you only have one major income...... and you cant run a limited liablility partnership anymore!
Dont really think theres a way out of it!

New country here I come! (At least the kit has no front plate!)

DIY Si - 16/4/08 at 05:37 PM

Quite glad I'm thinking of doing my bike test! No front number plate as standard!

blakep82 - 16/4/08 at 05:40 PM

Originally posted by DIY Si
Quite glad I'm thinking of doing my bike test! No front number plate as standard!

ha ha, for now watch that change in the next year or so

iank - 16/4/08 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
If there is no risk/reward strructure to life, and simply a "path to follow", WHAT THE F*CK IS THE POINT!!!!!!!!

You'd almost think that someone was using 1984 as a manual wouldn't you.

DIY Si - 16/4/08 at 06:09 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by DIY Si
Quite glad I'm thinking of doing my bike test! No front number plate as standard!

ha ha, for now watch that change in the next year or so

Given that they removed them as they kept chopping people up, it might take quite a while!

Mark Allanson - 16/4/08 at 06:41 PM

At this rate they will be renaming 2009, year zero. We really are entering a police state type society.

blakep82 - 16/4/08 at 06:45 PM

i wonder if it could be protested, on the groungs that all the electic it needs to run the whole system and all the computers and everthing wouldn't be very 'green' and against what the government are trying to force everyone to acheive

David Jenkins - 16/4/08 at 06:47 PM

Originally posted by carpmart
Lost all interest in this country now. Seriously looking at how I can go self employed (opt out of PAYE by setting myself up as a company) get my employer to pay me gross via me submitting an invoice once per month and vote with my pounds. I am sure with a good 'creative' accountant I can halve the amount of money I pay in tax.

Just do a google for "IR35" - then you will be depressed...

To summarise - self-employed people often end up paying even more tax and extra NI when compared to a PAYE employee.

Oh - and you have to pay someone to look after your accounts each year (unless you have an accountant or book-keeper in the family) and you will probably have to deal with both the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise (now the same firm). If you think the police have too much power, just try Customs and Excise!

It's the main reason why I stopped being a self-employed contractor.

[Edited on 16/4/08 by David Jenkins]

Paul TigerB6 - 16/4/08 at 06:52 PM

Originally posted by smart51The advantage is that you don't get muppets standing on their brakes when approaching static speed cameras,

Having previously lived in Nottingham for a few years which was one of the first places to get the average spped cameras i would have to say you do get people jumping on the brakes still - and because you know they are average speed cameras it comes unexpected when they do!! I hate the things - people concentrate so hard on the speedo that they dont pay so much attention to the road. Saw a few rear end shunts caused indirectly by the cameras!!

carpmart - 16/4/08 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Originally posted by carpmart
Lost all interest in this country now. Seriously looking at how I can go self employed (opt out of PAYE by setting myself up as a company) get my employer to pay me gross via me submitting an invoice once per month and vote with my pounds. I am sure with a good 'creative' accountant I can halve the amount of money I pay in tax.

Just do a google for "IR35" - then you will be depressed...

To summarise - self-employed people often end up paying even more tax and extra NI when compared to a PAYE employee.

Oh - and you have to pay someone to look after your accounts each year (unless you have an accountant or book-keeper in the family) and you will probably have to deal with both the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise (now the same firm). If you think the police have too much power, just try Customs and Excise!

It's the main reason why I stopped being a self-employed contractor.

[Edited on 16/4/08 by David Jenkins]

You see - you haven't cheered me up any there!

andy o - 16/4/08 at 07:11 PM

i don't suppose it will be long before they do away with penalty points and instead just send you a bill every month for your speeding/toll fees/road tax etc!!!!

turbodisplay - 16/4/08 at 07:29 PM

One legal point I dont get with average speed cameras. What if you were to swap drivers between entering and leaving, with an averaged speed of 37 in a 30, who would get the points the first driver or the second driver or both or none.
If these cameras tracked your journey over a few miles it could be a possible defense.


Triton - 16/4/08 at 08:32 PM

gaffer tape at midnight helps "allegedly"

DorsetStrider - 16/4/08 at 08:51 PM

Our beloved leader Mr Brown has announced plans to establish a new Ministry Of Truth.

Seriously though I was watching a police camera action type program the other night (I was bored). The program had obviously been edited to show the scum and hassell the police have to put up with... But the overwhelming impression I got from the program was that the police can do whatever the hell they like and there's nothing you can do about it.

They gave 1 chap a £50 ticket for peeing against a wall, the bloke admitted it was wrong but asked the officer where the nearest public loo that is unlocked is.... "7 miles away" was the answer. So the local council has locked all the loos then the police issue tickets to anyone they catch answering the call of nature! Does that strike anyone else that this is profiteering? To say nothing of fraud (tax payers pay for certain ammenities/services.... ammenities/services that the local council is failing to provide.

This country and government stinks to high heaven... I'm now ASHAMED to call myself british!

smart51 - 16/4/08 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by turbodisplay
One legal point I dont get with average speed cameras. What if you were to swap drivers between entering and leaving, with an averaged speed of 37 in a 30, who would get the points the first driver or the second driver or both or none.
If these cameras tracked your journey over a few miles it could be a possible defence.


to do an average speed over the limit including a stop for a driver change would need some explaining.

caber - 16/4/08 at 09:34 PM

I believe that they can't do you if you are not in the same lane for both sets of cameras. I ALWAYS change lanes between cameras just in the off chance it works!


blakep82 - 16/4/08 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by caber
I believe that they can't do you if you are not in the same lane for both sets of cameras. I ALWAYS change lanes between cameras just in the off chance it works!


me too and give the finger to both of them

Schrodinger - 16/4/08 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by caber
I believe that they can't do you if you are not in the same lane for both sets of cameras. I ALWAYS change lanes between cameras just in the off chance it works!


me too and give the finger to both of them

You obviously didn't read the article as it said it can track you even if you change lanes

blakep82 - 16/4/08 at 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Schrodinger
Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by caber
I believe that they can't do you if you are not in the same lane for both sets of cameras. I ALWAYS change lanes between cameras just in the off chance it works!


me too and give the finger to both of them

You obviously didn't read the article as it said it can track you even if you change lanes

nah, thats true. i didn't read it. i don't do reading

Mr Whippy - 16/4/08 at 10:19 PM

You all realise that your posts are being monitored by Big Brother and that you are now deemed anarchists and enemies of the state prepare to be charged with treason

If you look outside the window their coming for you

Hope you like orange

Obviously I’m really screwed for suggesting blowing up parliament…

Who's that at the door???

RK - 17/4/08 at 12:51 AM

Mr Whippy, whose real name is Guy Fawkes... well, now we know.

Guinness - 17/4/08 at 06:36 AM

02GF74 - 17/4/08 at 08:52 AM

oooh 5 pages!!! didn't think this wold be taht controversial.

As someone said earlier, if you don't speed, then what is the problem?

Realistically it is fair to say that there probably is a handful of motorists in the UK who have never exceed the speed limit.

It is ridiculous to expect that with the performance of cars today - i.e. handling and speed, not to mention thesaftey devices.

the problem I have is being monitored in anticipation of a crime I have not yet commited. roadside speed cameras are not so bad providing you can see the warning signs and have time to slam on the brakes.

Another way of looking at it is that since only average speed is measured, providing you you know the two points, you can hammer along at 100 mph then stop for a 5 minute kip before you reach the next monitoriinbg point. I doubt that is realistic if these cameras are spaced so closely together as they are on the M42 for example.

As for protesting, has this made any difference in the past? The only way is via the ballot box but who is to say the other shower will be any better?