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What a prize pair of ar** *****
macspeedy - 17/4/08 at 03:52 PM

dolphin dun over

richardlee237 - 17/4/08 at 03:59 PM

I can't help but compare the penalty meted out on these 2 and those detailed in the earlier posting re Traffic Cops.

The 120 hours community service seems right to me, so why do they ban already banned drivers, when they can get them to do something useful to society. ?

DarrenW - 17/4/08 at 04:00 PM

What did they do wrong? How is this any different to scuba divers coming into contact with marine life? other than it being 5am and the 2 being a lttle drunk.

Surely if the dolphin was that narked it could have swam off.

02GF74 - 17/4/08 at 04:03 PM

Dave the dolphin

.... anyone remember the Ricky Gervais sketch about gay animals?

Mr Whippy - 17/4/08 at 04:06 PM

Surprised it didn't turn round and bite them, certainly wouldn't like to pi$$ one off

Pezza - 17/4/08 at 04:09 PM

what about this dolphin then?

Did it get community service too?

madmandegge - 17/4/08 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Dave the dolphin

.... anyone remember the Ricky Gervais sketch about gay animals?

I'll never think of blowholes in the same way again... not entirely sure what I thought about them before however.

SierraL_killer - 17/4/08 at 04:22 PM

If the dolphin was that 'distressed' why wouldnt it just swim away?

Maybe it fancied a pint with the lads hence the urge to get up the beach.

Dangle_kt - 17/4/08 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by SierraL_killer
If the dolphin was that 'distressed' why wouldnt it just swim away?

exactly, Busy bodies wasting court time. Go hug a tree in california, during a forest fire.

Dusty - 17/4/08 at 06:31 PM

All points bulletin for that master criminal David Attenborough. I've got the evidence on video.

JoelP - 17/4/08 at 06:40 PM

i cant see how this prosecution was in the public interest. At one point they imply the dolphin was distressed by them, and at another they point out that too much contact makes them tame. So was the dolphin having fun or not? Or were they to be hung either way?

Ive been on jury duty this week, i counted 32 people in the room getting paid for each day. This case would seem to me to not warrant the expense it must've incurred.

roadrunner - 17/4/08 at 06:53 PM

What a load of c@@p, does this mean if a dolphin swam up to me and we swam together i would then be arrested, this country is going down the s@@t hole.

LBMEFM - 17/4/08 at 08:14 PM

I treated my wife to a swim with dolphins in Florida, all went well. I cannot see what these guys did wrong.

owelly - 17/4/08 at 08:59 PM

I've just heard from my fishy chums, that the dolphin is also in trouble. It too has been in the dock, up before the beak, accused of harrassing drunken youmans.
The dolphin was just having a bit of fun and assumed the blokes could have got out of the water and walked away if they were getting upset. The authorities involved claimed that too much contact with 'uprights' causes them to become too tame and they then make a habit of swimming around with the sea life which can have serious consequences and interupt the aquatic balance of watching Jeremy Kyle and Emmerdale.............

DorsetStrider - 17/4/08 at 09:27 PM

Oh come on!!!

That dolphin was asking for it!!!..... Hands up anyone here that hasn't interfered with that dolphin!

oh whatever!