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How determine zetec age
pmw - 3/11/09 at 09:17 PM

I'm trying to get the age of my black-top zetec and I've read about the engine codes on the burton website - but which is the right number to read off the block. There seem to be 4 different codes stamped on there!

big_wasa - 3/11/09 at 09:19 PM

Its the number near the bell housing.

pmw - 3/11/09 at 09:26 PM

So facing the engine with the timing on the left, and the bell-housing on the right. Its the code in the top-right of the block - XS7G-FA

Which I think is 1999 ?

[Edited on 3/11/09 by pmw]

big_wasa - 3/11/09 at 09:35 PM

No its on the edge of the block under the No4 exhaust.

It should be two letters some numbers then three letters

First two are age letters numbers are engine number and last three are spec.

its not uncommon to have no engine number on a replacement engine.

02GF74 - 3/11/09 at 10:07 PM

a bit like you do for a tree, cut the piston in half and count the rings?

mccsp - 4/11/09 at 07:42 AM

Not sure how to correctly post links, but use the above link, or browse on the burton power website to Tech Tips to Ford Manufacture Dates. Gives an explanation of how to understand it as well.

My code, on a silver top, was on one of the flanges that mates with the bellhousing, think, on the exhaust side but can't be sure.

Please consider that not all DVLA testers will use this website assufficent oraccurate enough proof of age. The first guy that tested mine did, but on my retest I was given the impression he only carrie on because the previous tester had made a comment to say proof of age satisfactory and listed the year and month.

L5W - 4/11/09 at 07:47 AM

Here are some images of where the numbers are on a silvertop. I assume the position is the same for the blacktop

(edit - have to scroll up a little after clicking on the link)


[Edited on 4/11/09 by L5W]

pmw - 4/11/09 at 06:57 PM

On a black-top that flange is blank, anyone got any clues as to which is the right code on a black-top ?