posted on 29/9/02 at 11:56 AM |
Front hubs
Does anybody know if the indy front can be built up using cortina hubs instead of the sierra units?
Cheers Col.
posted on 30/9/02 at 11:15 AM |
I can't see why not if you lengthen the top wishbone!
Bear in mind the positions of the top and bottom balljoint holes are in different positions relatively to each other between Sierra and Cortina See:
for a diagram of the Sierra upright. If you look at a Cortina one the top balljoint is 'nearly' in a vertical line with the bottom balljoint.
This explains the reason for the difference in The Book top and bottom wishbone and the MKIndy top and bottom. (ie. the MKindy bottom is
proportionally longer).
I may not have explained that very clearly so please ask if I've done nothing but confuse you!