posted on 28/2/18 at 09:37 AM |
New Member from Warwickshire
Hey Guys,
Thought I'd introduce myself and my Indy Blade ... after having bikes for years I decided to finally scratch the itch I've had all along -
a fast car!
I bought her a couple of weeks ago, after looking for ages for the 'right one'. This one just fitted the bill perfectly. TBH I wanted to
build an Indy myself but with a young family and work it just wasn't going to happen! Got plenty of 'fettling' planned though!!
It's a 2005 with an 893cc Blade lump running fairly stock I think.
Thanks in advance for all the assistance, and answering my stupid questions!!!

posted on 28/2/18 at 11:18 AM |
Welcome aboard.
Looks very nice
Nothing wrong with the old 893, still more go than most driving skills, be careful in the snow!
Any idea who did the roll cage?
posted on 28/2/18 at 02:20 PM |
welcome and great looking car - was the steering wheel an optional extra ;-)
If it ain't broken, fix it anyway (just because).
Building - BMW powered Haynes Roadster/442E hybrid.
Volvo C30 T5 Polestar
posted on 28/2/18 at 02:23 PM |
the cage looks like a caged laser engineering one.
i didn tknow they made them for the indy but im sure i can just make out the sticker on the pass side rear stay
posted on 28/2/18 at 05:01 PM |
Welcome to the Locostbuilders!
I was in the same position as you, young family, wanting to build, ended up buying and tinkering instead.
No regrets, saves a lot of time and you get the actual pleasure of driving it!
Looks like a nice tidy, looked after little beastie.
Seats look very comfortable, perfect for long tours.
Looking forward to more pic's and seeing what upgrades you do...
Cage definitely looks like a CAGED manufactured one.
posted on 28/2/18 at 05:30 PM |
Thanks everyone.
Cage is indeed by 'Caged' according to the stickers.
posted on 1/3/18 at 03:11 PM |
Looks nice
The builder must have liked the look of the rear arches being back to front,or they didn't realise they had done it! 
posted on 1/3/18 at 03:31 PM |
quote: Originally posted by CosKev3
The builder must have liked the look of the rear arches being back to front,or they didn't realise they had done it!
I hadn't even noticed! Can't say for sure ... hopefully it was preference!!!
posted on 12/3/18 at 06:44 PM |
I too am about to join the Bec club once I find the "right one"
The big question is how does the car compare to the bike ??
I have read that the cars allow you to open the throttle much quicker as there is slightly less chance of an unexpected wheelie....
posted on 12/3/18 at 07:54 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Barneymagru
I too am about to join the Bec club once I find the "right one"
The big question is how does the car compare to the bike ??
I have read that the cars allow you to open the throttle much quicker as there is slightly less chance of an unexpected wheelie....
I love it! The power delivery is great. For me it has all the smile factor of the bike, but without some of the draw backs! And my wife loves it too
(which helps!!!)