posted on 4/7/05 at 11:51 AM |
Fuel level indicator
Want to adjust the fuel level indicator arm length so that it shows the correct amount on the Digidash but wondering if I have to drain the tank first
as it as about 8 litres of fuel in it.
If I was drilling then I think it would be a problem but can't see why I shouldn't just unscrew the sender, remove it, adjust it and refit
David Jenkins
posted on 4/7/05 at 11:57 AM |
I did just that a week or so back.
Usual common sense applies - don't smoke, keep all potential flame producers away, have a fire extinguisher handy.
You may also choose to wear rubber or plastic gloves, as neat petrol in bulk ain't good for your skin!
Oh - plenty of fresh air is advisable, too.
posted on 4/7/05 at 12:22 PM |
hmmm, gloves is a good idea. Found out the hard way on Saturday when draining the old escort tank. Well i thought it was drained, got a shock when i
cut the fuel hose and another few litres came out - all over my arms!
posted on 5/7/05 at 10:23 AM |
You should only need to drain the fuel out if you want to check it reads empty correctly. Ive set my sender up so that there will be a few litres in
the bottom when the gauge reads empty (dont know how many yet - still fitting the dash). The only other thing you will need to check is that the arm
can go right to the top of its stroke without hitting top of tank - otherwise it wont read full. I put a king of 'S' bend in mine rather
than cutting and re-joining. I just lined it up with the outside of the tank to get approximate positions. I also drew a side profile of the sender
arm on an old box before bending so that i ended up with the float along the same line as the original, just further up (ie looks shortened).
You can download fitting instructions from ETB website if you dont have yours to hand (id guess they are on your disc tho'.