posted on 21/9/05 at 05:00 PM |
Sticking carb floats
Hi , can anyone throw any light on this:
im currently running a blackbird engine but keep getting problems with the floats sticking open causing fuel to overflow from the overflow pipes.
I have added two new inline fuel filters to eliminate any crap getting into the float chambers and jamming up the needle valves , but hasent worked!.
its not just one float that always causes the problem ,its a different chamber everytime. so i have eliminated bad or worn needle valves or
when it happens i have to drop the bottom ot the float chamber down and flick the float put back together and all is ok for maybe a few runs or so
then it does it again. Its really starting to drive me mad now H E L P !!!! before i put a hammer to it!!!......
any ideas or has anyone had a simalar issue
Jon Ison
posted on 21/9/05 at 05:12 PM |
what fuel pump you running ? are you getting too much fuel pressure ?
posted on 21/9/05 at 05:21 PM |
Its a blade fuel pump . how do i no if im getting to much pressure?? when there ok it runs superb no flat spots or miss fires
sweet as a nut.
posted on 21/9/05 at 10:04 PM |
ive had the same problem a couple of weeks ago,im using the standard blade pump as well.
i stipped the carbs right down took all the jets out floats needle valves cleaned it all with carb cleaner then put it back together seems to be ok
i also just bought a facet pump and reg from mac1 as i wasnt totaly happy with the blade pump keeps cliccking so i thought it may be slightly faulty
Jon Ison
posted on 22/9/05 at 06:34 PM |
i would say the next step is as above, a good dose of cleaning, TTs recommended too me that if the car/bike is stood for more than 2 weeks i should
drain the fuel from the carbs, as it evaporates it leaves behind it dirt/deposits that the floats don't like, they run at such a low pressure it
don't take much too keep them open.
MKblade, you may run into trouble with the facet pump and reg, you have too regulate it down that much that flow aint so good, shows up when on full
throttle for a while, you wont see one RGB racer on carbs with anything other than a bike pump because of this.
posted on 23/9/05 at 09:15 AM |
Its funny you should say that about leaving it standing . cause it only seems to happen just after i turn the choke off from cold after standing for a
week or so . so how do you drain them do you just disconnect the fuel pipe or is there a drain screw ????