posted on 4/12/06 at 10:39 PM |
Pinto Indy Exhaust Manifold
Hi Gents,
Build is progressing slowly, have just finished my Exhaust Manifold (Pinto).
Could not afford shiny new one so DIY lowcost method was only way.
Made from 1.5 x 1.6 Mild Steel Tube it was bent on a modified Hydraulic pipe bender with the aid of a jig which I made to simulate the front chassis
top rail and the head of the engine.
This allowed me to bend the pipes longer than required but still check the fit and clearance over the chassis.
I know the Tube lengths are different but it still has got to be better than the cast iron original - has'nt it ??
Tubes were packed with sand to bend - had several aborted attempts, Rorty's site gave me lots of help - thanks.
Bent pipes were then cut to length & tacked up - which is my limit and welded by a friend.
hopefully finished article and the 'Jig' are attached.
[img]Manifold 005.jpg[/img]
[img]Manifold 001.jpg[/img]
[Edited on 4/12/06 by swood]
Sorry I really struggle with attaching pictures, tried everything but with no luck I am giving up and going to bed night night !
[Edited on 4/12/06 by swood]
[Edited on 19/12/06 by swood]
When you're up to your ass in alligators you tend to forget the initial objective was to drain the swamp !.
posted on 4/12/06 at 10:52 PM |
image links not working,
would really like to see them
posted on 5/12/06 at 10:54 AM |
Just put the photos in your archive.
Then right-click the photo itself, click properties
then copy the location.... and post in the thread having pressed the 'image' button. Delete the extra 'http://'
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
- Muhammad Ali