posted on 21/8/03 at 07:48 PM |
Hi dos enyone know the average cost to build an mk indyblade.
cheers Drew
MK Goldrush
posted on 21/8/03 at 10:06 PM |
Hi Drew, costs are totally controlled by your ability to source parts cheaply or not as the case may be. Doing most of the work yourself obviously
affects the overall cost - it depends totally on your technical dexterity and mechanical knowledge. So to answer your question I've heard of
people building their MK Indy for £4000. But, this is with loads of knowledge and practical ability, we've set a budget of £6000 and are doing
most of the work ourselves. So really the answer should be probably £5K~£6K I guess...
posted on 22/8/03 at 06:58 AM |
£5-6k is a realistic budget. We thought £4-5k when we started, but it is looking nearer to £7k now! Check my website out for a cost break down.
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 22/8/03 at 11:07 AM |
Austin, just had a look at your web site - and I'm very impressed with the build quality - I'll be putting a big brown paper bag over mine
at Donny!
posted on 26/8/03 at 06:52 AM |
A mate of mine is selling his bike to get a track day car instead and is coming to donno on the sunday with me. He is mechanically challenged so is
either looking for a turn key car or buying a mechano westy or cateringvan. He keeps saying he wants a car engined 7, but i want him to go in a BEC at
donno to get him converted, so i'm looking forward to seeing yours at Donno Jasper
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9