posted on 22/7/08 at 07:38 PM |
prop lenth
now this should be a quick on. im measureing for my prop shaft. so far i have from diff flange to middle of center bearing 910mm and from
middle of center bearing to sprocket adaptor is 515mm =1425mm ....but when measured from diff flange to adaptor is about 1440mm
inclueding the deflection needed for it all to line up. first does this sound about right for a indy with 5pw motor and second which
measurement shall i go with ???
posted on 22/7/08 at 07:44 PM |
don't put it directly in line as the bearings will only rock and hence wear unevenly make sure there is a slight kink! this way the bearing will
work as designed and therefore wear uniformly!
posted on 23/7/08 at 07:32 AM |
thanks for the replys but what im realy after is if the 1425-1440 sounds like the overall lenth