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Author: Subject: Did man land on the moon

posted on 7/1/06 at 02:25 AM Reply With Quote
I notice a couple of people think the Americans didn't have the expertise to send people to the moon.

Of course they did, they had their own experienced rocket team who had been producing succesful rockets and missiles for years. The Germans.

Wernher Von Braun and his 120 associates magically escaped any repercussions for being good nazis and creating weapons of indiscriminate civilian slaughter by moving to the US under the protection of the government.

The Saturn launchers were just larger V2's

If people honestly think that something so big and well covered was faked then I honestly fear for the future of the human race...

Tony Bond / UncleFista

Love is like a snowmobile, speeding across the frozen tundra.
Which suddenly flips, pinning you underneath.
At night the ice-weasels come...

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posted on 7/1/06 at 07:30 AM Reply With Quote

If people honestly think that something so big and well covered was faked then I honestly fear for the future of the human race...

3 Letters for you J.F.K
IF Lee Harvey Oswald was the only Gunman, then i'll drink cocktails by the pool with barrymore.

Never trust the Yanks
And i dont believe they landed on the moon, If they did then why arent we going there now? With all the technology we have.

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posted on 7/1/06 at 08:46 AM Reply With Quote
Of course they bl**dy did.

I would have thought the main reasons for not going back are:

1. They went a number of times and discovered a dead planet.

2. It costs bucket loads of cash and the Soviet Union has already been defeated.

Much of the denial smacks of anti-Americanism. Von Braun and his team were genius's. Stalin missed a trick there.


p.s. Elvis wasn't in his coffin and the real Paul McCartney died in the 60's and was replaced by a clone. John Lennon says "I buried Paul" on the end of Strawberry Fields, so it's literal interpretation must absolutely be true.

Your sort make me sick

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posted on 7/1/06 at 09:21 AM Reply With Quote
If they did then why arent we going there now?

All trips to the moon have been suppressed by the cheese industry, didn't you know? Same as the oil industry with alternate power supplies being kept under wraps they do not want competitors to find this alternate supply of cheap moon cheese, thereby bringing their empire to its' knees and causing world wide market crashes. Anyway the view is good but from what I've heard there's just no atmosphere.

yours, Pete

I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.

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posted on 7/1/06 at 11:34 AM Reply With Quote
Well I never witnessed either World Wars as I wasn't born so they obviously didn't happen now did they! All the people who lost theirs lives, they were just actors in a studio surely! All the information and footage of those major events is fake too isn't it?

The "it didn't happen" brigade make me puke. Just because they have such small and boring lives they have to try to pull everyone down to their level. Well grow the f*** up people. I'm no major fan of American hype and big-headedness but they have the resources to achieve some pretty major things, not least annialating humanity, so for one I believe they were quite capable of taking men to the moon and back.

They've not gone back because it's expensive. In the '60s tax payers didn't mind because they were "beating the russkies", these days they do mind and don't want to spend money on "pointless extravagance". I don't think expanding the human races horizons is pointless as we are killing this planet and it won't last forever. For any parents out there you'd surely not deny your children a prosperus life would you?

So let's stop debating about the past and "get out there" to the future. I'm off to weld a moon rocket together... hell I may go further and shoot at Mars instead!

Oh and, no offence!


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Syd Bridge

posted on 7/1/06 at 11:52 AM Reply With Quote
I remember getting the afternoon off school so we could all go home and watch on telly.

Of course they went there, but it HAD to be for military purposes, and not what we were being fed.

And who's to say they still don't go there regularly???

I used to work at a place called Titusville, across the waterway from the Cape, and many shuttles went up that were not publicised. What for?? Routine satellite maintenance was the explanation.


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posted on 7/1/06 at 12:03 PM Reply With Quote
Having been round round cape carnivial and stood along side one of the apollo rockets, I belive that they did go to the moon, But If they could produce photograpths from hubble or other telescopes of the moon showing that the flags or the moon buggies as i do not think they brought them back this would help prove it.
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posted on 7/1/06 at 12:30 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by hicost
Originally posted by Triton
They are out there....

I usaully find them driving to work in the morning.

And would they be in BMW's by any chance

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posted on 7/1/06 at 12:47 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by lewis635

If people honestly think that something so big and well covered was faked then I honestly fear for the future of the human race...

3 Letters for you J.F.K
IF Lee Harvey Oswald was the only Gunman, then i'll drink cocktails by the pool with barrymore.

Never trust the Yanks
And i dont believe they landed on the moon, If they did then why arent we going there now? With all the technology we have.

I know most comparisons don't bear close examination, but that's laughable.

For the two events to be comparable, you'd have to deny that JFK even existed..

As for going back to the moon, why ? we have all the missile technology we need now there's no need for any "testbeds" to develop new ICBM's, there's nowt on the moon and the Shuttle is designed for "low earth orbit".

My last words on the subject, can't write anymore without becoming beligerant and casting aspersions on peoples "intelligence"

Tony Bond / UncleFista

Love is like a snowmobile, speeding across the frozen tundra.
Which suddenly flips, pinning you underneath.
At night the ice-weasels come...

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steve m

posted on 7/1/06 at 02:25 PM Reply With Quote
No Bob I was not drinking or even drunk
as Ive been at work since 0600 this morning

And yes Bob, you are only 1 year younger than me


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posted on 7/1/06 at 04:24 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Aboardman
But If they could produce photograpths from hubble or other telescopes of the moon showing that the flags or the moon buggies as i do not think they brought them back this would help prove it.

You are correct that there is a great deal of "evidence" sitting on the moon's surface with which we could end all this nonsense but...

Not even Hubble can image the landing areas with enough resolution in order to produce conclusive proof. The best it can do is about 80metres for one pixel. You couldn't show someone one single dot on a page and expect them to believe that "it's the lunar lander that Neil and Buzz went there in". The lunar lander is about 9metres across. By the time we have built powerful enough 'scopes to show such proof, NASA will have sent the next generation of Moon landers there anyway. This is due to happen soon... NASA Link

Of course even if we had such images taken from powerful telescopes, or, if and when the next gen land back there, there'll be idiots who will choose to believe that it's all made up. Up to them I guess.


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posted on 7/1/06 at 04:33 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Syd Bridge
I used to work at a place called Titusville, across the waterway from the Cape, and many shuttles went up that were not publicised. What for?? Routine satellite maintenance was the explanation.

I'm not saying you're wrong but are you sure you're not getting confused with "routine satellite" missions launched via other un-manned vehicles? There are many more launches per year from the Cape additional to the Shuttle ones. They are all fully documented and most are covered by the media (and shown on NASA TV). I'd be very very very surprised if you've ever seen a shuttle go up which wasn't fully documented and the mission coverage shown on NASA TV. I'm not saying you're wrong but....

Besides, the shuttle isn't equipped to make a trip to the Moon and back. Of course you could just say "ah but are you sure it's not?", to which I reply... AR$E!


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posted on 7/1/06 at 05:10 PM Reply With Quote
Now listen here

I watched Armagedon over Christmas and both shuttles went round the moon to get behind the asteroid, are you saying that's not true, did Bruce Willis die in vain? Stop ruining my illusions will you?

yours, Pete

I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.

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Syd Bridge

posted on 7/1/06 at 05:39 PM Reply With Quote
Andy, I know the difference between a shuttle and a normal rocket. Big difference in noise when they go up, as well.

I didn't say the shuttle went and landed on the moon either, but it's got a huge cargo bay.

I don't know if all launches are televised. But the couple which held up the gulf war certainly weren't. They were to put satellites in place for better communications and GPS coverage of the Gulf area.

But, does any of this REALLYmatter. No. So why get all hot about it??

In reality, the Yanks and Russians are in cahoots with the Venusians, to take over the dilithium mines of Pluto!! True!


I am at Titusville off and on from '82-.
Just down the road from AlanB!! I'll get to have a beer one day, Alan.

[Edited on 7/1/06 by Syd Bridge]

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posted on 7/1/06 at 06:26 PM Reply With Quote
Not getting hot at all. Just saying that if you're right and they were full shuttle missions then it'd be fully documented somewhere as the tax payers will be footing the bill no matter what they were sending up. As you say it's not like they can hide the fact they are sending them up.

They train crews for at least six months also so if it was going to put spying gear up there then they'd have planned it for a long time. It isn't like they can just roll it out, hop on board and whoosh.

Doesn't matter in any case, they haven't used an orbiter to go anywhere other than earth orbit. So there!


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posted on 7/1/06 at 07:25 PM Reply With Quote
Buzz Aldrin was seemingly the man who started the suspicion around the moon landing.

Cheers Cita.

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posted on 7/1/06 at 08:24 PM Reply With Quote
wasnt he a toy?! ah, that would be the other buzz...

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posted on 7/1/06 at 08:30 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Cita
Buzz Aldrin was seemingly the man who started the suspicion around the moon landing.

Cheers Cita.

Yup exactly Cita!
I assumed that we were talking about the truth in actually landing on the moon, of which I will always doubt. There will always be, IMO, good arguments and photographic evidence as to why the pictures of the astronauts actually on the moon are not real.

I have no qualifications to be able to discuss as to whether or not a flight to/around the moon was, or, was not at that time, possible!
I really don't think that anti- Americanism comes into this.

Bob, I can confirm that in our neck of the words, they do drive BMW's. They came round and told me!


'Racing is Life!...anything before or after is just waiting'....Steve McQueen

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steve m

posted on 7/1/06 at 09:24 PM Reply With Quote
any way how did the ww2 bomber and a london bus get on the moon ??

it wasnt me

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posted on 7/1/06 at 10:12 PM Reply With Quote
As I mentioned, and so did Liam, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to keep up a fraud involving 10s of thousands of people over 35 years.

How can you ever provide absolute proof of anything.

Haulocaust deniers, on that basis, could be right. Rig up a few death camps, and get really good reasons to execute the nazi's. (I know the holocaust was real.)

If they wanted to kill Diana, what a daft way to do it. Get a lot of press to chase her, and just hope she crashes, and actually dies in the process. Would be much easier to get a crazy to kill her.

Which comes on to Ozwald. Wether or not he killed JFK anlone or in cohoots with anyone else has bugger all to do with how legitimate the space program was! HTF can that be used as a link! JFK not beign killed by Ozwald alone is the only consipracy theory I beleive in. I mean, why would Jack ruby kill Oswald 'for jackie'. He was a gangster who somehow developed morals?

I also think that there is some anti americanism here.

I can see it looks strange that man landed on the moon with 60s technology, and we havnt gone further - but the budget and the will of the american public wont allow it. Concorde was 60s technology, and it wasnt a fake (perhaps it was - the mach meter was fake and all the passengers got free flights if they didnt blow the gaff).

Perhaps even nukes dont exist. The japs were just blanket bombed with conventional weapons as a dirty bomb, and the rest was all made up. Ive never seen a nuke go off, so surely they dont exist. They havnt been used since 1945, so thats pretty strong proof - the yanks didnt use them when they lost vietnam or during the gulf war. I think im onto something here

How did the egyptians build the pyramids with 5,000 year old technology - clearly the world was enslaved by people from outer space.

Most conspiracy theories are total bullshyte and the moon landings come right at the top.



Just knock off the 's'!

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posted on 7/1/06 at 10:13 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Cita
Buzz Aldrin was seemingly the man who started the suspicion around the moon landing.

Cheers Cita.

can you post links and evidence to this please?



Just knock off the 's'!

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posted on 7/1/06 at 10:50 PM Reply With Quote
Liam posted this link, but here it is again

doubters, give it a read, and see if it explains (or supports) and of your doubts.



Just knock off the 's'!

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posted on 8/1/06 at 03:28 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Syd Bridge
I didn't say the shuttle went and landed on the moon either, but it's got a huge cargo bay.

Total mass of the Lunar Lander, Service and Command Modules was about 45 tonnes. Shuttle max payload is about half this.

No Syd, all recent secret missions to our bases on the Moon (and Mars) are done using faster-than-light anti-gravity powered vehicles that 'those on the inside' have had access to for decades.

Ha ha ha haaaa haaaaa

Hee hee heeeh heeeee


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posted on 8/1/06 at 09:07 AM Reply With Quote
The airbiscuit suspension on my secret shedshuttle is far superior to that techy dustbin stuff made at nasa....gets boring landing and beggaring about on the moon, besides not much cheese left now so hardly worth the effort at times.

That "flag" wasn't there either, the only thing i saw was strange footprints from what looked like a weird dog and some human with odd shaped feet......

My Daughter has taken over production of the damn fine Triton race seats and her contact email is

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posted on 8/1/06 at 10:49 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Syd Bridge
I don't know if all launches are televised. But the couple which held up the gulf war certainly weren't. They were to put satellites in place for better communications and GPS coverage of the Gulf area.

I will concede that there have been a number of shuttle missions with the title of "dedicated to Department of Defense".

As Syd said two in 1990 which have no "details" of what the mission entailed. See here and choose a year.

Maybe in another 30 years some of the astronauts on those missions will spill the beans.


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