posted on 14/6/04 at 11:08 PM |
Hub Carriers\drive shafts
I started to fit my driveshafts tonight and have a few of questions.
Firstly wondered what bolt\thread size are the bolts that fix the hub carriers to the upright as I don't seem to have the original bolts.
Secondly, it appears I have the ABS type shafts so just wanted to confirm that I will need to machine off the teeth so that the end of the shaft fits
in the hole in the upright.
Lastly, the shaft seemed a bit short, when you tighten the hub\bolts up does it all pull together??
posted on 14/6/04 at 11:16 PM |
Can't remember bolt size.
Yes you do need ABS teeth to be removed.
The driveshafts are different lengths, but I'm sure you know that, and yes they should pull up when bolted in, suspect gaiters are trying to
pull the joint towards the shaft.
posted on 15/6/04 at 06:56 AM |
posted on 15/6/04 at 07:28 AM |
thanks Bob, was a bit despondent last night when I realised I had to get the ABS bit machined off! One of those jobs where you just think you will
bolt it all together in no time and you end up taking all evening just to find out it don't fit!!
I suppose I had better get used to it!
posted on 15/6/04 at 08:36 AM |
Its 5 minute job on a lathe,i was lucky enough to have a retired engineer in the next road who's got a garage we would would all love.He's
got more lates than he needs and was more than happy to do the job for a beer,its just a matter of taking the teeth back to the steel.
posted on 15/6/04 at 08:38 AM |
My friends dad has all the gear so he should be able to do it, just a bit of a pain!
posted on 15/6/04 at 08:57 AM |
Bummer! That means splitting the driveshaft assembly right down, them horrible Torx bolts n`all. I was hoping to get away with a clean and a coat of
paint :-(.
Still it will give you a bit of time to update my build instructions ;-)
posted on 15/6/04 at 10:47 AM |
Sorry if this is a silly question, but can MK not just make the hole a bit bigger, to save people the hastle of getting bits machined, or is there a
design/reason for it being that way?
beware, I've got yellow skin
posted on 15/6/04 at 01:22 PM |
To save you machining the teeth off, just file the hole out. We didnt have access to a lathe so did it this way. If you can use a lathe it will
probably be quicker.
Im guessing MK dont make the hole bigger is because the use one size for ABS and non ABS, and the non ABS need to be a certain size. Well im hoping
this because if the holes are made a size for a reason im screwed!
The Magnificent 7!
posted on 15/6/04 at 06:38 PM |
Originally the hub carriers on the indy were only made for the drum set up,i think this was because drum rears are more common and easier to find.
posted on 16/6/04 at 08:55 PM |
hub carrier bolts
i needed some of these couple of days ago.had trouble finding the correct stength bolts (10.9 rating).got them from ford about 82p each
posted on 17/6/04 at 08:48 AM |
quote: Originally posted by ned
Sorry if this is a silly question, but can MK not just make the hole a bit bigger, to save people the hastle of getting bits machined, or is there a
design/reason for it being that way?
I asked the same question a year or so ago- unfortunately I can't remeber the answer!
The only one I can think of is that it means there's less meat between the hole and the bolt holes and is therefore weaker.
posted on 17/6/04 at 11:04 AM |
Before i filed my hole out, the drive shaft would go in but when turned would the splines would rub the hole. So i only had to file a tiny amount off.
The Magnificent 7!