posted on 14/8/04 at 10:01 PM |
No Trouble for MK
Just been to Martins house to sort out my alloy tank he is making for me.
Me being an awkward sod need it made with a specially shaped oblong swirl pot to accomodate the Rover internal pump pick-up filter,and without the end
baffle in place for the sender to fit.
Whatever I ask Martin to do he can never do enough to get it right.Top Bloke!
****Also saw him fitting the new GT body to his Audi engined chassis,LOOKS SUPERB!!!!!!*******
I thought the original car was a pretty little thing but this new body is so much more refined somehow and very much an expensive and proffesionally
finished race car,it certainly wont look amiss with some more exotic cars I can think of!!
Once I've finished a project why do I start another?
Jon Ison
posted on 14/8/04 at 10:12 PM |
and there's another version behind the one you saw today................
posted on 14/8/04 at 10:20 PM |
Saw the photos ,thats looks gorgeous too ,perhaps even better!like snoopy said in a post the other day,a bit lotus elise and a bit Ferrari. Just
wondering if I could part with my Indy to buy one of these.
Or I might need to extend my double garage into a treble garage.
Once I've finished a project why do I start another?