posted on 9/1/03 at 03:31 PM |
left hand drive with bike engine
i'm planning to build a MK indy with a bike engine but my question is.
Is it pissible to build a left hand driver (i'm from Holland) with a bike engine in a MK because the engine seems to tilt to the left and it looks
like there is not enough room for the steering colum on the left. The other question i have is the weight of the car. when im sitting on the left side
What will happen with the center of gravity and does this affect the way the car drives ? Does anyone have experience with the building of a left hand
driver with bike engine ?
Greetings, Marco Tuinenburg from the Netherlands
posted on 10/1/03 at 09:52 PM |
call Martin, he can give you an the name of a dutchman who imports the Indy to Holland. He has a motorbike shop and supplies engines to kitcar
owners...Im sure he knows!!I can find out for you but it might take a while.Email me if you want to know.
posted on 12/1/03 at 10:03 PM |
Sorry Siert, but I could not find your email adres, i would like to know more about that person who imports the MK Indy to Holland, could you please
tel me more about him. My email adres is :