posted on 29/10/05 at 04:34 PM |
New owner, almost...
Hi all
Been lurking for a while, but in a sudden rush of blood to the head I agreed to buy an Indy with a blade engine this morning.
It looks clean, engine runs well and I'm very excited now - I'm picking it up in a couple of weeks. Hoping for a few dry days over the
winter for testing the thing.
Anyway, it has two things I'm looking for advice on:
1. The gear shift is direct attached and is one back and five forward. I'd much prefer one forward and five back. I'm told you can buy a
linkage kit to sort it all out, although it requires a mounting point on the chassis to be welded on. Anyone have details?
2. The car has no lsd. I want one. It's a Sierra diff. Does anyone have one for sale?
Jon Ison
posted on 29/10/05 at 04:39 PM |
you could maybe alter the gear linkage by moving where it picks up on the lever too the other side of the pivot, hope that makes sense, maybe you
would need a different lever and pivot point but without seeing the set up i would guess that would be an easy fix ?
LSD, not got one for sale but unless your after serious track use or donuts then there not really a "must have"
posted on 29/10/05 at 05:10 PM |
i've heard it's quite a simple job. def better with 1forward 5 back, the inertia's pulling you backwards anyway so makes more
sense.! good luck with the car, fingers crossed for some dry days myself, they really are so much fun.you'll love it.kev
posted on 29/10/05 at 05:16 PM |
It will be a track car first and foremost. For the cost I'd prefer to get an lsd. Are there any other mods people would recommend for a track
car? TVM
posted on 29/10/05 at 08:21 PM |
About time you started building a car now isn't it Soopy?
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posted on 29/10/05 at 08:34 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Avoneer
About time you started building a car now isn't it Soopy?
What the betting it's not an MK...
posted on 29/10/05 at 08:41 PM |
Who the f*cks Soopy?.................................
If it's Snoopy you're talking about, I bet he's totally fed up of building the damned things  Why would he want to build yet
[Edited on 29-10-05 by Hellfire]
posted on 30/10/05 at 09:52 AM |
Recommended mods for the indy
If the car is mainly used for trackdays I would get a front anti-roll bar and replace the top front wishbones (if they are the old round tube type) as
they flex under heavy braking. Other than that I recommend you get the car set-up correctly (geometry) and corner weighted - makes a big difference
posted on 30/10/05 at 10:18 AM |
Who the f*cks Soopy?
Hang on Soopy, released by the McCoys in the 60's wasn't it?
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 30/10/05 at 05:21 PM |
quote: Originally posted by progers
If the car is mainly used for trackdays I would get a front anti-roll bar and replace the top front wishbones (if they are the old round tube type) as
they flex under heavy braking. Other than that I recommend you get the car set-up correctly (geometry) and corner weighted - makes a big difference
This one does have the round wishbones. But it's fairly cheap and gives me some things to do over the winter. Thanks for the advice.