posted on 22/1/06 at 01:07 PM |
Mk Track Measurement
Can anyone tell me the track measurement for an Indy. I guess a little depends on tyres, offset etc.
I can't get to the car and I want to look at a trailer later today. 5' 7'' springs to mind.
posted on 22/1/06 at 01:42 PM |
Just had measure and 5ft 7 is about it.
posted on 22/1/06 at 01:47 PM |
Many thanks steve for the quick reply.
posted on 22/1/06 at 01:50 PM |
No problem it was a good excuse to go into the garage, I love that car!
posted on 22/1/06 at 10:30 PM |
I got a trailer for my Indy from woodford trailers.
bed size 6'1" wide x 10'6" long carries upto 950 kg.
well upt the job and fits in the garage.
they do a trailer 5'5" wide which was to small if i remenber 5'7" was correct for the width of the car.