posted on 17/12/07 at 08:53 PM |
Suspension settings?
Hopefully fitting the front and rear suspension for the last time and i just need to know how many "clicks" on the shocks and how tight to
set the springs as a rough guide?
posted on 17/12/07 at 09:31 PM |
Hi Matt, i would keep the shock's at there softest setting for the time being, they are easy to adjust as you get more familiar with your car,
as for your springs, you need to set them up roughly central to the compresed/extended measurments, so if you have 9" compresed and 13"
extended, you need 11" when the car is sat on the ground, so you have equal travel up and down. Hope this makes sense,Brad.
posted on 17/12/07 at 11:35 PM |
Hi Matt, I agree with roadrunner regarding the damper settings, as these you should adjust as you go along till you get the correct setting for your
style of driving. BUT with regards the spring adjustments you should adjust the springs to give the correct ride height, which will almost certainly
give you more down travel than up, (if you see what I mean). HTH Ray
posted on 18/12/07 at 12:57 PM |
I'd agree with Ray regarding the spring seating. Set your minimum ride height first and then adjust if necessary to prevent topping/bottoming