posted on 23/6/08 at 05:06 PM |
fitting mk fibre glass dash to scuttle
I'm going to be fitting my fibre glass dash which I got off mk to the scuttle of my indy,i'm a bit limited for space between the scuttle
and the front of the full race cage, the fit dosn't seem to be that good because of the lip around the top of the dash,have people trimmed this
lip back for a better fit,any tips will be gladly received as i don't want to mess the dash up as i've cut all the holes for the clocks
and switches,I think I should have done them last of all.
posted on 23/6/08 at 06:39 PM |
I'm about to have this problem and was planning to seriously trim the dash and put it behind the lip on the scuttle.
I'm bit nrevous about doing this so would like to know if there is a better way
Mark G
posted on 23/6/08 at 07:46 PM |
I'm going to mount mine on the reverse of the scuttle too.
posted on 1/7/08 at 11:03 PM |
Eddies ZX12r Indy pictures
A link to some recent pictures of Eddies build progress.
Looking very nice indeed!