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Zetec with polo Rad in Avon
Ian D - 5/10/09 at 09:14 PM


I have bought my polo rad and have started looking at the job. Has anyone fitted the Polo rad in an Avon with a Zetec? If so do you have any pictures?

Im trying to work out hoses and the alloy tubes and wheres the best place to fit bits.



edspurrier - 5/10/09 at 09:55 PM

Yes, I have recently. I'll put some pics in my archive when I get a chance, which may be some time!

Essentially - bottom hose: in to silicon elbow, joined to another elbow to make an S whjich goes over the steering rack. That connects to a T piece, off which comes the expansion pipe hose fsacing down. Another T piece with the thermostat bottom hose connection (from the housing exhaust side) connected. then in to the water pump via an expanding elbow.

the induction side thermostat outlet is blanked off as I have no heater.

Just have an elbow coming out of the large stat outlet, in to long ally pipe, then a fairly long bit of straight silicone pipe into the top.

the 8mm bleed outlet goes through a 1 way valve then connects to a Y piece - the other leg of the Y inlet is from the top of the stat- then the conjoined pipe goes in to the to of the expansion tank.

jamrogers - 8/10/09 at 11:07 PM

pictures on there

now bent after an accident at the weekend

Ian D - 11/10/09 at 02:29 PM

Thanks, Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope your ok.


Ian D - 11/10/09 at 02:59 PM

The Polo Radiator is in. I spent a couple of hours yesterday at the scrapper looking for hoses. Found 2 really useful ones off a Rover 216 early model. The radiator top hose and the 3 way breather pipe.

I managed to use the existing Tiger supplied short tube with the take off points and was able to tee onto the water pump output hose as well. The majority of the plumbing is ahead of the steering rack so getting away from the problem of feeding 32mm hoses around it.

The radiator is almost vertical at a distance of 150mm from the front Chassis tube.

Pictures below.

Rover top hose on the tiger short pipe.

Rover 3 way hose for the breather pipes and the water bottle

Side on view of the hoses

Top hoses

Ian Rescued attachment Compressed Rover pipe..jpg
Rescued attachment Compressed Rover pipe..jpg

Ian D - 11/10/09 at 02:59 PM

next picture Rescued attachment Copmrressed header T pipe.jpg
Rescued attachment Copmrressed header T pipe.jpg

Ian D - 11/10/09 at 03:00 PM

next picture Rescued attachment Copmrressed header T pipe.jpg
Rescued attachment Copmrressed header T pipe.jpg

Ian D - 11/10/09 at 03:00 PM

next picture Rescued attachment Installed Radiator from side compressed.jpg
Rescued attachment Installed Radiator from side compressed.jpg

Ian D - 11/10/09 at 03:01 PM

next picture Rescued attachment Top hoses.jpg
Rescued attachment Top hoses.jpg

Ian D - 12/10/09 at 08:20 PM

The T pipe on the bottle Rescued attachment IMG_0914.jpg
Rescued attachment IMG_0914.jpg