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Avon Fibreglass Seats
edspurrier - 24/5/11 at 01:10 PM

Hi all
The Intatrim seats in our Avon aren't really solid enough for racing. Does anybody please have experience of Triton high side seats or JK composite 7 seats in the Avon?
Measurement suggests they should fit fine, but reality and measuerment aren't always the same....

scoop - 24/5/11 at 05:09 PM

You have u2u.

Tiger Super Six - 24/5/11 at 05:30 PM

I fitted JK composite seats and told them the measurements and they made them to fit. Think they make 38 and 40 sizes and the Avon is 39. they used the 38 molds but stretched them out to 39.

Helpful chaps.

edspurrier - 24/5/11 at 06:13 PM

Thanks - a call to JK I think...