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Sierra Brake Part Numbers
wombat - 4/8/11 at 08:29 PM

Hi all, got donor parts from F Reg Sierra Sapphire 1.6 and need new slave cylinders + shoes(8" + fitting kits. Got a contact with loads of old new stock gear but no identification on boxes, just a part number.
Anyone got QH or similar part no's for these ??
Once identified I can forward on to locostbuilders so 9" part no's useful too.


Jaybeee - 4/8/11 at 09:56 PM

I have a Bembo brakes catalogue that has a comparison section if you send me the part numbers I see if I can match them for you.

wombat - 5/8/11 at 06:05 AM

Thx for offer, problem is he has shelves upon shelves of parts and no clue as to what they fit !
If I can get other manufacturer part numbers perhaps we can cross reference backwards.
He only wants 3 to 4 quid a set for them !

davred - 10/8/11 at 08:28 PM

QH 8" shoes pt no bs708 fitting kit BFK245 drums BDR115 cyls BWC3427 9" shoes bs615 HTH DAVID

wombat - 14/8/11 at 03:06 PM

Thx David