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tiger cat e1 - views
tj4ord - 30/7/04 at 06:16 PM

hey ppls, i finally saved up enough money to get started with the building of my seven just trying to choose a kit! i've been looking at getting the tiger cat wondering if any1 has any views on it?

many thanx

Avoneer - 30/7/04 at 06:21 PM

From experience, research and from an engineering point of view - you would be much better buying an MK. The price will be almost comparable, but you get much more of a car from MK with almost all problems ironed out - unlike anything Tiger produce. And no i'm not biased, I'm currently building an Avon (and wishing it was an MK).

Viper - 30/7/04 at 06:39 PM

I second that.
(I have an Avon too)

marshall - 30/7/04 at 09:18 PM

i am doing a tiger avon and i wish
i was doing a cat e1

dave1888 - 30/7/04 at 10:19 PM

Im building a Cat e1 and wishing i was building an MK

tigertom - 30/7/04 at 11:15 PM

i'm currently building a cat e1 and wish it was a mk or leugeopartly because you are very limited to the choice of seats,build manual is s****.

givemethebighammer - 8/8/04 at 10:13 PM

Originally posted by tigertom
i'm currently building a cat e1 and wish it was a mk or leugeopartly because you are very limited to the choice of seats,build manual is s****.

I have the MK R500 type seats in my Tiger CAT,
The subframes required a little modification to get them to fit. But they do go in. Made some bases to fit them into the car and raise them about 1" from marine plywood.
You are right though choice of seats is limited. Rescued attachment Jun27114.JPG
Rescued attachment Jun27114.JPG

givemethebighammer - 8/8/04 at 10:14 PM

and the modification Rescued attachment Jun27116.JPG
Rescued attachment Jun27116.JPG

supercat - 19/8/04 at 01:07 PM

I've got Intatrim seats in my Cat - they sell them modded to fit in a Cat.


I chose the Cat because at the time of building it was pretty much the only single sierra donor kit that I could afford (I already had a Sierra). I've made a few upgrades as money allowed and overall I'm happy with the car I ended up with. Puts a big smile on my face every time I drive it.

[Edited on 19/8/04 by supercat]